October 01, 2002
7:24 p.m.

So, I got accepted onto The Diaryland Island. I felt I needed a reason to reinvest myself into this diary. I've always enjoyed the topics that are given, the way they make you think, and I felt I just needed something to help break away from the sadness and seriousness that have been plauging my entries lately.

Since I will be having a lot of first time readers, I though I would follow in Magpie's step and just post a sort of 'This is who I am entry.' It can be a bit of a catch up for current readers.

Me: My name is Heather, and I am 18 years old. I work at a vet office as a veterinairy assistant, and I have plans to go on to vet school. I am a total animal lover, currently tipping the scales at 5 dogs, 4 cats, a bird, and a horse. I am a lesbian. I have a panic attack disorder. Most of all, I am just me.

5 Entries of Note:
Rainbow: The entry where I decided that no matter what happened, I would find the rainbow in the storm
200:My 200th entry. It sort of gives a reveiw of the past.
I love you: An entry where I finally say those words that are so hard for me to say.
A year of entries: A year of writing in this diary.
In ten years: Where I see myself in ten years

Work: The animal hospital I work at finds it's way into most of my entries. I owe a lot to the hospital. Working there helped pull me out of a depression I thought there would be no end it. It helped me get over panic attacks so severe that I thought my dreams of a career in veterinairy medicine was over. I have met some of the best friends of my life there.

I guess that's really all of an introduction that I have to offer. I'm not some amazing person, with worlds of stuff to say, I'm just me, and I'm just trying to make it through my life, day by day. Trying to make a difference not only in my life, but in someone else's. I guess that's all any of us are really working toward.


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