
One of the questions that everyone seems to want to know, is 'where do you see yourself in ten years?' A lot of people begin to spout out about the wife/husband that they would like to have, the 2.5 kids, blah blah blah. I wrote up my own little in ten years essay type thing.

Where do I see myself in ten years? I see myself, standing in a slightly muddied yard, a fine drizzle coming from the gray clouds above. The only light around is that from the headlights my beat up old pickup truck, because even the moon has been covered by the clouds. A little brown haired girl is kneeling down in the mud, her tears mixing in with the rain. "Help him, please help him." she whisperes to me in a croaked voice. I look into this girls green eyes, and I am helpless. Eight years of school, and there is nothing that I can do. I get down on my knees, beside the weaping girl, not paying attention to the mud that stains my jeans. I put my hand on the sweaty neck of the creature that she is so desperately wishing me to save, and I give her a small frown. Holding back my tears, I tell this child, who has put all her faith into me, to 'look into the animals eyes, and tell me what she sees. She does as asked, and turns back to me, "He's hurting." she says, and then she closes her eyes, and gives me a slight nod. I get up, and get my tools from the truck, taking longer than I really needed, to give the girl time to say goodbye. When I return, she has the diamond shaped head of a magnificint horse in her lap, and she looks at me bravely. "Will it hurt him?" I get on the ground beside her, and give her a reassuring squeeze, and tell her no, that he will just fall asleep. I push the large needle into his muscled neck, and push the siringe of blue liquid into his neck. When I am finished, the horse lets out one last sigh, and I can almost feel the amazing sense of peace that has enveloped us. The girl turns, and clutches to me, trying to gain my strength, and I hold her. 'Don't worry', I tell her, 'If you loved him as much as you say you did, then his spirit will find a way back to you. Spirits like yours are joined for eternity'. This girl raises her eyes to mine, "Do you believe that?" 'Yes, I do,' I tell this small child, most likely experiencing her first death. She allows a small smile to grace her lips, "Then I will wait for him." she says. When I have cleaned up, I get back into my rickety old truck, and drive down the country road. A few miles later, I am forced to pull over because tears of clouded my vision. I allow a few of them to drip freely, before I see a clearing in the clouds, and a star shining brightly at me, almost as if it is saying thank you. With that, I drive to my small home, where three horses gaze at me from their small pasture. I walk up to them, and whisper 'Thank you for finding your way back to me.' That is where I see myself in ten years.


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