6:14 p.m.

So, Heather has a sort of date tomorrow. Joanna, the girl that I mentioned last entry, asked me to go and see a play with her tomorrow. We talked on the phone for a while today, and it was really fun. We don't really have an amazing amount in common, but opposites attract. She has a horse, so she can't be all bad right ;) She's more of a partier, and I'm more of a stick to the ground type. Maybe I can keep her grounded, and she can teach me how to let loose. Who knows?

I ask my mom about going with her, and I get a look.
Mom: She's lesbian too isn't she?
Me: ::Darn, I was going to conveniently leave that fact out.:: Yeah
Mom: Yeah, I figured as much
Me: ::Must learn not to be predictable:: Uh..
Mom:Okay, where's the play...
She's getting better, even joking around with my last night. Then, today, she starts talking about how I should go to a lesbian club some time...my mom, suggesting this to me..who is this woman, and what has she done with my mom? Then, my mom starts telling about the time that she went in a lesbian club, and really enjoyed it. She said, if she weren't so worried about what other people think, she could easily see herself in a lesbian relationship. She said she likes sex with men a lot too..which is the point where I covered my ears and went running from the room. My mom's sex life is not something I really want to hear about.

Okay, so that was the good news of the day. I can't ever seem to have good news without having to follow it up with bad news. Our lawyer for the investment money called today, -if- we got any, it would only be ten percent of the original investment. That's about 25,000, which is a good amount, but not near enough to help us out of our situation. We may not even get that much though. Also, if we were to get it, we wouldn't get it until much later next year. So, tomorrow, my mom is going to ask my grandfather for enough money to get us caught up on our mortgage (we are about three days from forclosure), and we are going to start fixing up the house. It will all work out though, I have to have faith in that.

Faith, something that is becoming harder and harder for me to locate. Don't worry, I still have my umbrella, hidden away in my heart.


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