
Today has been extremely good. One of those days where you wake up not really knowing how everything was going to turn out, but going to bed with a smile on your face.

First it started out with a friend and I sitting down, face to face, and just talking. She's the friend that I wrote about in a previous entry, and it was one of those situations where things were bad, and had to get worse before they got better. So, they were bad and uncomfortable, and then today, we basically broke through all the ice. Well, most of the ice anyway :) I know I felt better after she left, and she seemed a lot better as well. Those walls finally broke down, I guess, and allowed her to share a lot of the stuff I think she needed to say. So, we are now on the path to the better :)

Merilily was part of the main reason this all happened. Her, being as stubborn as my friend and I, and playing mediator finally got us to talk. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart..I know us two hard heads are hard to deal with :)

Then, my friend Jake got back from vacation, which was cool. He came over for a little bit to pick up his dog, and then we went to his house. My mom and I were about to leave when his mom rushes out and tells us we can't leave yet, that she made us a sandwich. Jake's mom is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet, and I love her so much. She's one of those people who has to give you something..one time we went home with a pack of papertowels, which is now a longstanding joke. So, at midnight, Jake's mom is giving my mom a sandwich. Jake and I always tease them about being lesbian lovers, cause they are always so careful to look out for each other..it's really cute :) Unfortunately for them..they both seem to like men..so much for the perfect lesbian couple.

Well, good night everyone.


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