12:44 a.m.

Today, a man woke up to his alarm, just like thousands of other people. He gave out a groan, hitting the snooze button. He turned, grabbing his wife in his arms, and kissing her neck. He cuddled with her, until the blaring of the alarm reminded him that he had to get up, and make his way to his job. Tightening his tie, he kissed his two kids goodbye, and drove the ten miles to his job.

Somewhere, an airplane, that the man doesn't even think about, takes off. On it, a mother is explaining to her child that planes rarely crash. That it's safer than riding in a car. As the terrorist take over the plane, the mother holds the child's hand, and together they pray.

The man makes his way to the top of the World Trade Center, and sits behind a desk. He sips a cup of coffee, trying to push his morning sleepiness away. He has a job to do after all. He is hoping to get home early, so he can watch his son's soccer game. The cup warms his insides, and he lets out a sigh. Little does he know, that in a few moments, everything would change.

The mother wraps her arms around her crying child, assuring the child that they are going home. That the will be in His presence, and that they will be okay. Did the mother really believe this? She wanted to. As the plane's altitude dropped, she could see the twin towers out her window. They came closer and closer, and the woman began to cry with her child. People started screaming, and the mother's sobs grew louder. The life she had wanted her child to have was being taken away. It really was the end.

The man happened to turn to look out his window, enjoying the view of the city below. People scurrying about, crowding the streets. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices something odd. Before he has time to run, or even make a sound, the building is rocked with the force of an impact, and he sees a ball of fire making it's way toward him. His last coherent thought is of his family, and how much he was going to miss them. Then, he was gone. He would never walk his daughter down the aile, he would never see his son become a distinguished buisness man.

That is perhaps how the story of some of the thousands that lost their lives today went. In a heartbeat, in a breath, they were gone. Those grieving can't even begin to seak the justice they so desire, because the enemy remains faceless. Yes, we have speculations, but that doesn't put those who lost loved ones at rest. Somewhere out there, a mother is having to tell her kids that Daddy isn't comming home. A father is left alone, raising a teenage girl, and he is more lost than ever. Today, is a sad day, that I believe will remain etched in everyone's minds forever.

Today, the power of the United States was tested. Some enemy is toying with us, waiting for our reaction. They wanted to see the US in a panic, they wanted the US to loose that calm power that we preach to have. They wanted to hurt people. Blinded by hate, they set out to cause pain. They smile at the tear drops that fall from eye's around the world. How can there be hate like that? I feel that this isn't the end, I feel that this is the begining.

Today, however, I saw something amazing. Suddenly, it all didn't matter. It didn't matter what color a person was, his blood could still save a life. It didn't matter what car a person drove, as long as they could take someone to a hospital. It didn't matter what kind of clothes a person wore, because any clothes would be better than none. It didn't matter what sexuality a person was, because their hands could still pull someone out of the rubble. Suddenly, people, if only for a moment in time, realized that our differences don't mean anything. That when banned together, prejudiced asside, this nation can be amazing. This world can be amazing.

Over ten thousand people lost their lives today. For those people, and for the families of those people, I bow my head. Life lasts but a moment in the scale of time. One moment you are here, the next, you are nothing but ashes blowing in the wind. It just makes me remember that I don't know if I will wake up tomorrow. No one does. With that thought, everything seems to fade away, and the things that are important to me, suddenly hold so much more meaning. My Mom, who is actually one of my best friends, Jake, the guy I can always turn to, Jenn, the person I will always consider to be my other half, the rest of my family and friends, I see them all in a new light now. They are all so much more important to me. The little stuff doesn't matter.

Today, a man woke up to his alarm...


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