July 01, 2003
9:45 p.m.

Work and school have still been going pretty good. Life in general is going good..I guess I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I finally got my first real horse anesthesia out of the way, which was a bit of a relief. It isn't as hard as I was making it out to be. We had an emergency colic surgery, and, there was really no one else to do anesthesia. I was shaking almost the whole time, but, asside from having the addition of an iv anesthetic as well as the inhaled, it really isn't that different. Which is information I am sure you were all wanting to know.

The horse, however, was pretty bad off. Dr. C and I had gone out to see her earlier in the day, and, she didn't really seem that serious, but, by the time she reached the clinic, no amount of pain medication could keep her up. Once we got in and saw the shape her intestines were in, we knew that anything we did was pretty much hopeless. We euthanized the horse on the table. What made it worse, asside from the crying owner, was the two month old colt crying for her in the stall. I wish we could have saved her.

Things with work are getting interesting. Boss Man has actually decided to start being a boss. One of his faults is that he never really 'runs' the clinic. He signs our paycheck every month, but, other than that, he kind of does his own thing. Well, with the financial woes the clinic is about to be in, he has finally decided to step up to the managing plate...although, some of the things he is doing I am not too excited about. I think I will just sit back and wait before I pass judgement.

I had another math test last night, which I got another 100 on. ::Does a little happy dance:: If only all my classes could go this well, life would be great :)

Dennis, also known as 'Crazy Stalker Boy' finally seems to be getting the hint, or so I can hope. Although the fact that I have been almost running from class to avoid him may have a little something to do with it. ::Shrugs innocently::

We got paychecks at work today, and wow, what a difference a raise, and increase in hours will make. I made a little over two hundred dollars more than I thought I would. Although, I am sure the fact that I have been averaging about sixty hours a week might have a little something to do with it :) I had to look twice to make sure it said what I thought it said. I am pretty happy with it.

My birthday is tomorrow, nineteen years old..wow. For some reason, that just seems so much older than eighteen. I'm not doing anything special, just working, and then going to school. Sounds exciting right? Yeah, my life is nothing but excitement. :)

Speaking of the excitement that is my life, I am going to head off to bed.


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