
At work, we are trying to meet certain state standards, so all the employees are forced to watch six hours of tape about X-ray safety. Tonight, I took my turn with tape one, and the only thing I really learned was that X-ray machines produce radiation. Who woulda thunk it? Two hours I had to sit and watch some guy talk about X-rays, and how to wear protective clothing. Oh joy. So, now, I am taking a break from the evil video to write.

Today, we had a little dachshund come in with a broken leg. We gave the dog some anesthesia so we could X-ray him without causing a lot of discomfort. Well, after receiving anesthesia, the little dog, muscles all relaxed, decided to pee on me not once, not twice, not even three times, but an amazing four times. I was not a happy little worker. Story of my life.


I went and watched the second x-ray video, which basically told me that if you expose the film to light, it doesn't work anymore. There goes about three and a half hours to learn..um..nothing..but how to use the fast foward button.

Tonight, I went over to a friends house, and we sat around a fire and roasted marshmellows. It's amazing to see how much we have all changed in the four years we have known each other. We've all grown up. I stand back amazed. I guess that's just the course of life. We had a lot of good laughs, and I would have loved to stay longer, but I have to work early tomorrow. It was great to see them, even if just for a short time.

It is still looking like my mom and I are going to lose the house. Although the money that has so far been donated is helping tremedously, I'm so afraid that it will be all for nothing. I talked to my mom, however, and she told me that we will find some way to keep the dogs. Even if I have to take them to the clinic, and volunteer extra time to pay for them. That's a load off my back. They really are my lifeline. We need almost seven hundred more dollars if we have any hopes of keeping the house, and I just don't think we are going to get that.

Thank you to everyone who has donated, I can't even begin to thank you enough. A special thank you to that special person, who is infuriating, because she won't let me pay her back, but insists that is a gift. You have touched me beyond words, and I will treasure you in my heart for ever.


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