January 11, 2004
4:14 p.m.

Dr. Lee complained again to Boss Man about Amy's attitude problem. It seemed to have gotten worse over the past couple of weeks. It seemed more and more work was being left to the morning shift to finish up. One morning, every single cage that had been used for grooming on the previous day was left dirty. Everyone had had enough. Boss Man is known for his ability to avoid confrontation at all costs, so most of us have given up on him doing anything about our complaints. Well, Tuesday, after about the hundredth complaint, he took Amy out in the truck with him. He most have put the fear of God in that child, because, not only did she apologize to Dr. Lee for her major attitude in front of a couple of clients, but, she came up to me and offered to help me clean and strip some stalls I was doing, and -apologized- for leaving so much for me to do. ::deap gasping breaths:: When she came in on Thursday, for the first time in about three months, she went down to the barn and picked stalls. We are all curious to see how long this little mircale lasts. Maybe Amy realized that the world doesn't revolve around her.

Even Dr. Fuller seemed to be in a somewhat good mood this week. I was alone Tuesday morning, once again. He had four surgeries to do, and no one to do anesthesia for him. Dr. C said she could go on her first call alone, and for me to stay and help him. I wasn't too happy about it, but I am not going to risk an animal under anesthesia simply because I can't stand the doctor doing the surgery. It just makes me mad that he's known LeShay was quitting for almost a month now, and hasn't lifted a finger to get any help in. He continues to book surgeries, but has no one to run anesthesia. I am sick of being alone in the mornings. It's embarassing when clients come in, and see the place a wreck because I have been trying to do two people's jobs. I guess it could have been worse though, Dr. Fuller, asside from one instance, refrained from being snappy or rude with me at all. Quite an achievement for him. I don't know, I just hope that things settle down a bit.

Mircale puppy seems to have this need to spend long periods of time in the vet office. Her newest conquest? Parvo. She's doing well, after having pretty bad vomit and diarrhea for four days, but it seems she is over the hump. Our hope is to send her home on Monday. I thought I had bad luck with my dogs. At least her owners are willing to give her a shot, and not give up on her. She really is an amazing little puppy.

Mom and I got into a little spat. It starts when she bring home this little togo box with a half eaten chopped steak, and a piece of bread, and tells me she brought me some dinner. This is like the hundredth time she has done this, brought me the left overs from whatever nice restaraunt her and Roger have been to, and proclaims to have brought me dinner. The last semi nice restaraunt I went two was with Ellyn and Dianna from work, five months ago. Her and Roger go out once a week. Then, to top it off, I don't like chopped steak, which my Mom knows. It ended up turning into the same old fight we always have, ending with the money battle. With the money she got from my grandparents deaths, she now wants to by a big screened tv, a new entertainment stand..blah blah blah. She is going to end up right back where we are now, with no money. I asked why she thought she needed this stuff, when the stuff we have is perfectly fine. Same old shit, different day. I give up.

I finally got my truck back on Friday, and they did a wonderful job on it, it looks brand new. The only problem is, it's now doing the stalling type thing ten times worse. It's the same problem that I've been fighting with for the past year, and it'll get somewhat fixed, and then start back. It was the worst it has been in forever on Saturday, completely dying on me twice. I don't know if it's something they did during the repairs, or if it's from not being driven in two weeks. I would just like it to be fixed enough for me to get to and from work. Is that so much to ask? It also made me miss Kelly's birthday party, which I was looking foward to. I still think there is an evil little demon that lives in my truck trying to make me crazy.

I start back to school on Tuesday, my last "crap class" as I call them. Classes that don't count toward anything that I have to take because of getting the GED. Oh well, next semester I start on classes that count.


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