10:47 a.m.

Have you ever felt like you were being punished for being good?

The other day, I heard Dr. Fuller talking to a girl on the phone, telling her to come in and start training. I heard some other things, that finally lead me to believe that he was taking her on as a veterinary assistant. I became so angry. He knew darn well that I wanted that job. I mean, crap, right now, the only thing that I don't do as a vet assistant is get the pay check of one. I do everything else they do, along with the kennels and the barn. I left for home in a bit of a huff, because Dr. Fuller left before I could talk to him.

Yesterday, the girl, Brandie came in for training. I had finally convinced myself that she must be better trained, or something. Instead I am faced with a girl that is nineteen years old, and knows nothing. I find myself training her to be a vet assistant. Now..wait a minute..I can train a vet assistant,but I can't be one? Does that seem strange to anyone.

The girl was stuck to me like glue yesterday, but she finally went home, so I cornered Dr. Fuller out in the barn, and asked him about the girl. I think he got my hint, and so he goes,
Fuller: I want you to know that I did consider you for the position
Me: Well, you know I have been working on getting it
Fuller: Well, you are certainly qualified to do the job, because I watch you do the job anyway. You do wonderfully. I mean, you are great with the clients, they always tell me how nice you have been, I have never gotten a complaint. You don't try and diagnose. You're very professional. The only real drawback I had to bumping you up to assistant is I would loose my weekend help.
Me: (stunned/angry type look on my face) That's it?
Fuller: You are the most reliable person I have for the weekends. When I know you are here alone, I don't worry at all about medications disappearing off the shelf, I don't worry about whether or not I have the controlled substances locked up. I know that every animal is getting treated. I have complete faith in you, and that is hard to find.
Me: (torn between staying angry and feeling very special for getting jipped) Thank you. If that's your only drawback though, if we could arrange it to where I at least get a day off during the week, I wouldn't mind coming in some Sundays and doing treatments.
Fuller: Well, we'll have to see how things work out with Brandie, and it may turn out that I will just have to bump you up.

That's the end of that, because right in the middle, some people showed up. So, basically I am getting put out of a pay raise, and a promotion to the job I really want, because I do such a great job at the barely paying, clean up position I am in. The more I think about it, the more it pisses me off. Argh! Sometimes it just seems the slackers get ahead in the world. I mean, I have worked my butt off at the clinic, trying to show them I am capable of the assistant job, I have gone in for nineteen days with only two days off inbetween, because the other girl had a death in her family, but I didn't complain. And what do I get for that, a "you did a good job, so we are just going to screw you over." ::deep breath::

Well, the good news is the pigeon I rescued is doing pretty good. I don't really know what to do with him..I mean, I am not a pigeon expert. I am still trying to locate the owner, but chances are this is a racing pigeon that got lost, and since he probably won't be able to race again, the owner isn't going to want him. Doesn't stop me from trying though.

Well, I have to go and get ready for another day at work, training the girl who is getting the position I want. (me..bitter..never!)


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