3:48 a.m.

Today, any movement is extremely painful. I need a massage..any one want to help me out? I think I was a little over zealous in my stall cleaning, and I have managed to make all the muscles in my back and shoulders scream in protest. I'm learning about muscles I didn't even know I had, but let me assure you how they can hurt. I don't really mind though, I mean, it's that good kind of hurt. The kind where you know you've done something you loved. Not that I love cleaning stalls..but I love being at the vets. (Just thought I would clear that up).

My dear friend, Marcella, has lost almost her entire CD collection. So, go give her some lovins, and if you are rich, maybe a little bit of money ;) The good news about her, however, is that it appears that I will get to go see her this summer. Things weren't looking so good because of money issues (do you guys have any idea how expensive plane tickets across the country are?), but then, my uncle, who works for Delta, said he can get me a ride for free. He's just become my favorite uncle.

I also was messing around, and found the web page to the vet clinic I go to. So, if you guys want to see where I spend me time, go here


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