9:14 a.m.

Diaryland should not be a war zone. It is a place where people come to express their feelings, their inner thoughts. Don't condemn people for speaking the truth, whatever truth it may be.

Things between Jenn and I aren't perfect, but we talked. We both have a lot of stuff to work through before we can get our friendship back online. A lot of stuff was said that was hurtful, on both parties, and we've made ammends for that the best we can. The "war" is between Jenn and I, not diaryland. I hate seeing people choose sides, throwing mean comments into guestbooks as if they were missles. That's not what this place is about. There is no "right" side to be on here, we both had our faults, and we are both working on them. Neither one of us was the bad guy, or the good guy, it's a partnership, we are equal. So, repair the tear that has come to diaryland. Jenn and I don't need an army to fight for us, give us support, but don't fight our battles.

Ahh, okay, enough rantiness. I want to end this on a somewhat better note, so I thought I would put in a funny quote I found yesterday. This is what Smartie6903 had to say about me.
"If I had not have seen in her profile that she was 17, I would have thought she was some scholar in their mid-fourties just coming back from her trip in Tibet, where she learned the meaning of life and that the chicken actually came first."
I don't know why, but that just made me laugh. Imagine me, sitting and contemplating the chicken and the egg..a frightening thought..but which did come first..hmm..


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