1:12 a.m.

Why does it seem that most of the people I didn't want to tell about my sexuality find out? Tonight's example, the eleven year old I babysit.

For the past few night, Jenn and her little sister had come over. It really helped to have a second pair of hands there to help babysit, and Jenn's sister and the girl, Laurel, got along really good. So, tonight, Laurel asked me if Jenn and her sister could come over.

Me: No, not tonight
Her: Why, you always let them come over
ME: Because Jenn's parents are upset about something I did, and Jenn and I can't see each other.
Her:What did you do!?!
Me:Nothing that I am going to tell you about.
Her: I'm going to go and call Jenn's sister, she'll tell me!

So, Laurel goes off to call Jenn's sister, which I wasn't too worried about, because I don't think she knows anything. I mean..they wouldn't tell her..would they? Let's learn a lesson here, never assume anything.

Her:(insert Jenn's sister's name) says that you and Jenn can't see each other because you held hands.
Me: (thinking in head: oh shit) Um..no, that's not the reason
Her:That's not what (jenn's sister) said. She said her mom told her that it was because you were holding hands. Are you gay?
Me:(in mind: shit shit shit, must lie, must lie must lie) Um..no, of course not
Her: I don't believe you.
Me:(in head: of course she doesn't believe me, I can't lie at all) Why not? I'm not gay, remember, I have a boyfriend. (Now, remember, this is my imaginary boyfriend, that is actually Jenn).

So, the night goes on, and finally she turns and looks at me and asks me again if I am gay.

Me:No, I thought I already answered that.
Her:You did, but you lied I think, cause you blushed really bad and hid your face.
Me:(in head: must remember to sign up for lying classes)Um...
Her:I knew it! I knew it!

By this time I have a panic face on, wondering what to do. I was already quiet for too long to deny it.

Me:Look, if I answer all your questions, do you swear not to tell anyone?

So, I answered all of her questions about what it was like to date a girl, had we kissed, and all that good stuff. Then I got some dirt on her, and told her that if she told anyone about anything I would write it all on her school website. She believe me, because she thinks I am a computer genius..yeah..right. So, I get home, no more questions for the night..right? Wrong!

I tell my mom about what happened while babysitting, and she laughed, and I blushed.

Mom:Well, if you are in such a question answering mood, are you the female or the male counterpart in your relationship.
ME: (By now I am blushing really bad, laughing, stuttering, and hiding my face all at once)Um..I don't really think it's either way, I see us as equals.
Mom:No, I think you are deffinately the female counterpart
Me:I'm going to go take the trash out.

I should write a television series about my life. I mean..does this actually happen to normal people?

Oh, and I wanted to thank Megan for the lovely banner she made at the bottom of her page for Jenn and I. It was really sweet.


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