1:47 a.m.

Note to self:
Wearing new shoes to work and thinking that they won't hurt your feet, because you won't be there long instantly means you will be there for over thirteen hours not getting a chance to sit down.
End Note

Why was I there for over fourteen hours when I am only really supposed to work four about four? Well, first, I decided to go in a few hours early, and volunteer for a while. I was also hoping to get a jump start on everything so that I could get home early. Well, getting home early from the clinic falls in the same category as snow falling in Hell. Dr. Fuller, who is a known procrastenator, didn't get started on a very difficult surgery until about six.

What had happened, was the a dog, Sirius, had jumped out of a truck going fifty miles an hour. She had dislocated her hip, so we had to do surgery to replace it. Well, Dr. Fuller decided to try a surgery he had never tried before. Da da dunnn. First, he couldn't find the joint. Then, he got Dr. Myers in, and together they found the joint, about four inches higher than it should of been. So, after much strainging, they tried to get it back where it was supposed to be. Two and a half hours later, it finally happened. Yes, two and a half hours just to do the "easy" part of the surgery. Heh.

In the middle of this, a family shows up with their thirteen year old chow, asking to have him put to sleep. I almost cried when I saw the dog. He was hardly breathing. Dr. Myers come out to euthinize him, but can't get a vein, because the dog's heart is beating so slowly. He decideds to inject the solution directly into the heart..problem is, he misses. I then had to go back into the clinic to get more of the injection. When I walk in, the family seems so relieved, thinking everything is over, and I didn't really know how to tell them it wasn't. I said something about it being pretty much over, but we just wanted to make sure. No matter how many euthinasias I see, then never get any easier. I just get better at forgetting about them until later. Sometimes, it seems like such a release though, that it doesn't really bother me. I don't know..

After that, I went back to surgery, to spend another four hours doing anesthesia for the dog. Sounds easy enough, but this dog was a pain. One minute, her heart rate would be at a wonderful rate, her breathing perfect, I would blink, and the heart rate would be sky high, or the breathing non-existant. Bleh. Then, Dr. Fuller, and Dr. Myers were tossing their testosterone around like crazy, you could practically see it permiating in the air. I don't even think they realized it, but I sure did. They practically argued about nothing at all for thirty minutes.

After all that, we take an X-ray to make sure everything is back together properly, only to find out the pin is in too far, which means in about two weeks we will have to go back in, pull the pin out, and spend another two hours fixing it. Guess who is not going to be there for that.

We finally ambled out of the clinic around one this morning. And take a wild jab who has to be back there in the morning. Uh huh. I don't mind though, I really enjoy it.

Tonight, Kathy pulls me asside while I was taking a break from the surgery, and asks to sit down and talk to me. She asks me about my panic attacks, and my step-father, and everything. Then, she tells me that I am a wonderful person, and to never forget that. She kind of smiles and tells me that she's not saying that to make me feel good, because she is not that type of person, but because it is the truth. The way she said it..I was really touched. I admire her, and it always touches me when someone I admire says stuff like that to me. Though this woman is years older than me, I really think she is one of my best friends. I know I could count on her for anything.

Well, that's all for now, because I am exauhsted, and my feet don't love me anymore.


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