June 24, 2005
7:45 p.m.

I have a confession to make. I have actually been journaling on Live Journal for a few months. I guess I have become one of many to follow the trend of switching over. I needed a change, and I needed to kind of go where no one knew me, if that makes sense. Plus, it was easy to keep up on the various fandoms I am obsessed with, and just a whole bunch of other reasons. I still plan on journaling here, and will probably pick up the frequency of updates now that my time at the clinic is ending. A lot of my friends in real life read this, and I just had some stuff I wanted to say away from them...and no, it's not about any of you ;) So, that's kind of where I've been. It's not some super secret journal, if you want the link, just ask. I will also probably let my gold membership lapse on here as well, the only feature I use is the image hosting, and I have another site for that now, so I will probably move most of my d*land images over there, which is more than you need to know, I am sure:)

So, on with the entry. Things with mom have settled down again, thanks for every one's support. I hate when she does her hot and cold things, because I never know how to act around her. Someday I will be on my own.

I turn twenty one in a week, which is a scarey thought. I am going to be legal. If anyone is wondering, my amazon wishlist is up to date. Hey, a little shameless plugging never hurt anyone ;)

I had a horrible day at work today, every person I met seemed to be a fucking moron.

The first one was an eight year old lab that had fly strike on both of her ears. Her ears were bloody and flakey, but nothing a little ointment and some fly control wouldn't fix right up. Well, her owners were just tired of looking at her, and decided fly strike was a perfectly reasonable reason to euthanize an otherwise healthy dog. When the receptionist originally asked me about it, I was flabbergasted. Why would a person want to euthanize a perfectly healthy animal for no reason? I didn't think any of the doctors at our practice would consent to do it...I was wrong. Boss Man is an old school type vet, he's been in the business for fourty something years, and I think he's forgotten a lot of the reason's he became a vet. Don't get me wrong, he's still a good doctor...most days...but being the owner of the practice, sometimes all he can see is the money. He said he would do the euthanasia because the people gave us a lot of cow business, and he wanted to keep them happy. So, the receptionist had the dog dropped off, but low and behold, Boss Man "forgot" to euthanize it last night, and today was his day off. The owners called this morning to come and pick up the body, so it fell to one of the other two vets on duty this morning to do the deed. Dr. C flat out refused, which make me love her that much more. Dr. F said he would do it, but he wasn't happy about it. I look around and realized that I was the only assistant there. Dr. F told me that I didn't have to assist him, but I wasn't going to make him try and euthanize a dog on his own, for his sake and the dogs. So I walk back and grab this happy, bouncy, sweet lab and bring her into treatment. She wagged her tail until her last breath. I cried. I did not go into this business to kill healthy animals. When the owners came to get the body (not because they had any emotional attachment, but because they didn't want to pay the burial fee our clinic charges when we dispose of animals) I would not even talk to them. I knew if I opened my mouth I wouldn't be able to stop what came out of it. How could you have a dog killed because flies were biting it? Go buy a five dollar bottle of skin so soft or something. I wanted to hurt those people. At least the dog died not knowing what fucking assholes her owners were.

The second one was a lady with an eight year old dalmation named Pongo. Pongo had been in a little over two years ago with a ruptured bladder. We did surgery on him and repaired it, and he sailed through recovery. He was just one of those dogs that really touched your heart. No matter how much pain he was in, he never offered to bite or growl. He was always wagging his tail. He even had a big teddy bear he slept on. You couldn't help falling in love with him. When he was on Hill's U/D he had absolutely no problems with stones. The owners, however, kept taking him off of it, and then crying when he got blocked again. Two times after his surgery, we had to catheterize him to relieve a blockage. He was also on another medication (totally blanking on the name right now) that aided in disolving the stones. Well, a few weeks ago, the owners took him off both the U/D and the medication. Today, this sweet dog came in, covered in fleas, and once again he had ruptured his bladder. Even though he was hunched over, vomiting because he was getting septic, he would still wag his tail at us. The owners had no money to pay for a second surgery, so the dog was put to sleep. The doctor and I both cried when we put him to sleep. I put him in the little card board coffin, and put his ever present teddy bear in with him. I just wanted to go in a corner and cry for the rest of the day. I know the owners loved this dog, they had to sell their tv to pay for the first surgery, but we have always made payment arrangement with them, bent over backwards so this dog could have a full life, and they watch him strain to urinate for almost two days before bringing him in. They *knew* the signs to look for, the *knew* how important it was to get him in immediately, and because of their stupidity, I had to hold the dog as he died, saying over and over again how sorry I was. What a waste.

Then their was the vicious, unneutered male Chi/Poodle (I am so sick of people mixing dogs with poodles and calling them designer dogs. They are MUTTS PEOPLE) that the guy didn't want to neuter because it was so cute when the dog growled and snapped at people. He might also want to breed the dog in the future, luxating patellas and all. Fucking moron.

Oh, and last but not least are the people who watched their horse choke for about twenty hours before calling a vet. It's not like they didn't know what a choke was, because they have had two previously, one of those this horse in particular. Let's think people, if your horse can't swallow anything, do ya think he might get a wee bit dehydrated? at all? Two hours later, we finally relieved the choke. HUGE wad of grain that smelled rank as all get out, because she fed him even after she noticed he was choked. There was a ton of it in his stomach too, so we flushed it out to try and prevent colic. She just stood there the whole time with a blank look on her face. Idiot.

Bleh, I am going to go take a nice hot soak in the tub and try and forget about today. Bleh.


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