01:01 a.m.

Well, today consisted mainly of me sleeping all day. I went to bed before ten last night. Of you knew me, you would realize what a strange thing this is, it almost never happens. I then woke up at twelve, ate some breakfast, and went back to sleep until around four. I don't think this is because of depression, but I probably wouldn't admit it if it were.

It's funny how the simplest things can brighten your day a little bit. Tonight my mom and I ordered pizza, and when the delivery lady got her, she asked me how my puppies were doing. At first I looked at her kind of weird, was she spying on me or something, then I realized that she was the same lady who had delivered pizza to me the night they wre born. This lady had remembered who I was, and what had happened on a night six weeks ago. Heh, when I did deliveries I was lucky to remember what happened the night before. It was just a really nice feeling to know some people still care.

After I came out as being bi, a lot of people have admitted to having the same feelings. I think a lot of people are bi in a way, and just have trouble admitting it, as my friend Jake said tonight "If you masturbate at all, then you are at least a little bit bi." Anyway, I am currently starting a type of group for us d*landers who are bi. You can see the banner on the right. I don't know if it will catch on or anything, but it was just soemthing to occupy me today. I'll let everyone know when it is finished.

I also added a banner I made for Maile and her mental illness project. If you would like to use it, feel free.

It's always a nice thing to open your E-mail box, and find an E-mail from a new reader. Paper-bag sent me a really nice E-mail yesterday. I love getting E-mails ::hint hint:: :)

I have finally resolved the school situation I have been in. For a while, I was planning to take the GED, which is the high school equivilancy test. That would give me my diploma, and allow me to go into college. The downfall was that I wouldn't be getting the scollarship that I had been planning on. This threw me into a bit of a mess, since I was planning on going to veterinary school, and this schollarship would really really really help the financial burdon. Well, today my mom called Faith Acadamy, which is a homeschool type program in Geogia, that would give me my schollarship, and is also accredited as more of a high school deploma, than a homeschool deploma. So, I guess that's a good thing. I'm just hoping that I will be able to do as well as I hope.

It's kind of funny, my relationship with Jenn has reached kind of a popualar level. People will AIM me, and ask how I am, followed by, 'How is Jenn?' It's just a nice thing to know that people care enough to ask about someone that they don't know that well, but they know I care about.


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