10:08 p.m.


I was sick yesterday, and I was still a little sick today, but I went into work like the good little worker I am. Got into work, and it was slow...at first. As soon as I was starting to enjoy the slow pace, BAM, two emergencies. The one I ended up helping on was a lady with four, five month old puppies. She had gone into the backyard, and found one of them dead. She rushed the others up to the clinic. By the time she reached us, one of the other puppies was half dead. The smell..ugh, it was horrible. Then, I went to get a fecal, and there was nothing but blood and fluid. We were sure the dog was going to die. It was still alive when I left work though, and was looking much better.

Then, we had a little, white, fluffy dog come in today that was hit by a car. It's pelvis was crushed, it's possible the dog my not be able to urinate and deficate because of the severity. The dog was just one big matt. The dog is an outside dog, so we really didn't want to shave it too short, so instead, LeShay and I got two pairs of scissors, and just begain cutting the hair piece by piece. After about fifteen minutes, the butt was looking quite bald and scruffy, so we finally said 'screw it' and shaved the dog's hair as long as we could. After that, I then went and gave the dog a bath. The water that came off of the dog was pure brown, it was horrible.

After that, Leslie showed up with a four week old kitten that had been found off of a highway. She said she had been up with it all night, and it wouldn't it. She didn't want to put it down, because it is so young, but she is going out of town this weekend. She looked at me, quite sad, tears in her eyes. So, Heather is now trying to nurse a kitten, who Dr. Thomas is giving a four percent chance of life, back to health. We gave the kitten a high dose of steroids, and fluids, and I am trying to feed it kitten milk, so who knows, maybe he will surprise us all.

So, as six o'clock, a very tired, and smelly me is ready to go home, when Dr. Fuller mentions a dog we have at the clinic. He says something about the dog's PCV being fine, when I shook my head saying that it was actually really low. Well, when I told him that, we drew another blood sample, to find the PCV even lower. Heather then had to stay another two hours to do a blood transfusion. Must learn to keep my mouth shut. Actually, if I wouldn't have said something, the dog would have died, but I was so tired. Hopefully, the dog will do better.

Joanna called to see how I was feeling today, but I didn't get home until nine, so I missed her call. I felt so bad having to cancle on her yesterday, but she was okay with it. That's good.

Okay, well, it's time to feed kitten again, so off I go. I have got to get a smaller heart, then maybe I wouldn't take in so many animals.

Oh, and also, to whoever sent me the $50 in the mail, thank you so so so much. I am always amazed at the generousity people like you have shown. Thanks again.


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