10:41 p.m.

I will always be a kid at heart
I will wear my hair in pigtails, no matter how young it makes me look
I will make funny faces to make people laugh
I will never let my spirit be broken
I will always put my animals first
I will most likely always have trouble expressing my feelings
I will dance in the rain, even if my mom insists I will catch a cold
I will laugh at my own jokes
I will sing no matter how bad it sounds
I will cry at movies, then deny it
I will stand up for my friends always
I will never be the popular one
I will always be opinionated
I will never be a girly girl
I will always fight about wearing a dress
I will be amazed by the stars
I will never get tired of getting flowers
I will always love Jenn
I will always have a scratch somewhere on my body
I will find a way to smile
I will always have an umbrella in my heart
I will find my rainbow


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