1:06 a.m.

I have been avoiding doing this for a while, but tonight, my mom actually came up and asked me to. For her to ask, it's bad. As I have mentioned in here before, do to several screw ups in the government, the money situation that my mom and I are in has become harder and harder. If my mom goes back to work, she loses her disability, and I lose my mother to a heart attack. She has done odd jobs here and there, making money under the table, but it isn't enough. Including the child support that I get from my dad, my monthly earnings at the clinic, as well as money from babysitting, I bring in about nine hundred dollars a month, a thousand on a good month. Other than that, we have nothing. No other income. We have borrowed from everyone we can think of. Even my college account now has no money. We are already one month behind on our mortgage payment. I don't want to lose this house. And, my priorities may seem out of wack to some people, but worse than losing the house, I face losing my dogs, my sanity. Getting rid of them would only save about fifty dollars a month, and that seems such a pitiful price to assume that they are worth. They are my life savers, my best friends, my family, and I can't put a price on that. So, it is with great humility that I put out this plea. If you have any extra money, I have set up a paypal account. Even if you only send a dollar, you can help me keep my house, and my animals. If you send me an address, I swear that I will pay each and every person back when my mom and I get on our feet. That is a promise. I wouldn't be asking if this wasn't a desperate plea. Please, help me keep my umbrella open in this hard rain.

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