6:22 p.m.

Re-reading my last entry, I realized I left quite a few of the stories unfinished. It's too early for me to be getting alzheimers!

The little dog that was missing half the neck, the one I thought would have to be put down, is very lucky he is sweet. Dr. C came back, looked at the dog, and proclaimed that she would be taking it into surgery the next day. I love that about her, she's in the practice for the animals, and what she can do for them, and she does everything she can for them. So, without an ounce of money being thrown her way, she fixed the little dog, who, may be able to go back to the man who so desperately wanted to keep him, but didn't have the money for surgery.

My belly-button ring fiasco didn't end at me taping it in, and asking my mom to get me a new one. She came to the clinic, hooped earings in her hand, saying she couldn't find a store that sold belly button rings. I mean, has anything in my life ever been simple ;) So, I put one of those in, which was quite a bit smaller than the ring I already had in there. The next day, I went to the mall to get a new belly button ring. Even after just one day, my hole had begun to close up, and getting the larger ring in was a bit painful..fun fun fun, let me tell you.

Okay, that was just a summing up entry, hopefully I will write another one tonight on my experiences teching bymyself..


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