November 19, 2002
10:58 a.m.

For about a week, the light on the ceiling fan that sits over our kitchen table has been mysteriously turning itself on. We would go to bed, all the lights off, and in the morning, that one would be on. For a while, we were all accusing each other, until one night, when all three of us were out, and the light did it again. We were seconds away from calling the ghost busters, when, yesterday, as I was sitting on the couch, with my hundred and one fever, I heard the light click on. I slowly turned my head around, and what did I see? I saw my sweet, innocent, little kitten, Twitch, hanging from the string that turns the light on. He seemed to find it facinating, watching the light come on and off, because I found him in this position several times throughout the day. Does anyone else have animals as weird as this?

I called in sick to work, yesterday and today. I absolutely hate being sick. I have gone through a roll and a half of toilet paper, trying futiley to blow my nose. Apparently, everyone at work has got this crap too. Yesterday, Dr. Fuller called me at nine o'clock, to see if I could come in early and cover for Kathy and LeShay, both of which called in sick. When I told him I too was not coming in, I swear the man was about to cry. It's all Dr. C's fault, I tell ya. She had this crap for about a month, and was too stubborn to take a day off work. I knew she was going to give it to me, because I was around her so much. When I got back to work, I am going to kill her..if my coworkers haven't already.

I haven't seen my horse in over a week, which is getting crazy. Between not having time, and being sick, I almost forget I even have her. I am trying really hard to convince a neighbor of mine to let me move her there. She would be so much closer, and I would be able to go by and see her more. The neighbor is kind of wishy washy about the whole idea, so I doubt it will pan out.

My dad called me last night, confused about his E-mail once again. The newest thing that was boggling his mind was the fact that his E-mail program automatically copied the original E-mail, and pasted it in the reply box. It took me thirty minutes to explain that one to him.

Anyway, I think I am going to go and lay down again, this whole feeling like crap thing just doesn't do anything for me.


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