6:40 p.m.

I know, once again it has been ages since I wrote. I have an excuse though, I have been working every single day this week, and have had to stay late. What an interesting week it has been.

First, I am giving a dog fluids, when LeShay walks in, and asks me if I have lost my belly button ring. I give her a weird look, and say no, while feeling for my ring at the same time. Well, big surprise, my ring was missing. LeShay hands me my ring, but it's missing the ball at the top. Okay, well, not wanting my hole to close up or anything, I put the ring in, and tape it on. Not exactly a fassion statement, let me tell you. Well, I call my mom and ask her if she can stop somewhere and buy me a cheap belly button ring. I then continue on with my day.

Then, LeShay is helping Dr. Fuller hold a cat, when she is bitten. She, being the stubborn person she is, doesn't tell anyone, and instead goes into the kennel and washes her hand. Well, when she goes, Dr. Fuller holds the cat, and suddenly tells me to come over and tap the bladder. Tap the bladder? Like I know what I am doing. He then tells me to put the needle between his fingers, and angle it toward the backbone. Well, first try, I get it. Yay for me.

Next, Ellyn comes up to me and tells me that Jake is on the phone for me. Jake has never called me at work, so I go to the phone. He then tells me that Paco, his dog, has been throwing up, and not eating or drinking. Well, there are no doctors there, but I figured it would take him a while to get up there, so I told him to head on up.

Well, I am about to start moping, when a man walks in, and tells us that a stray dog wondered up to his house with a hole in it's neck. Well, I got elected to go out to the car to go check it out. I am thinking a small would that a couple of stiches would fix. Well, I open the back door of the car, to a dog that had half of it's neck missing. The bite was through the muscle. The guy says he doesn't really have the money to fix it. He said he wanted to keep the dog, because it had been coming to his house for a couple of weeks, but he just couldn't afford the finicial burden to fix such a serious wound. So, I take the dog in the back, planning to put it down.

Dr. C then comes back just as my friend Jake gets there. We decide that Paco had a bad case of whipworms, and opt to keep him overnight. Well, since it was after five, Jake and his mom decided to stay until I got done, and go out to eat. We are just about done, when I go down to the barn to feed all the horses. When I put food down for Dr. Fuller's horse, she doesn't eat. This horse is a known pig, so not eating is baaaaad. With a sigh, knowing my dreams of getting out of there early are gone, I go and tell Dr. Fuller. The horse's teperature was up, and she had no bowel sounds. We took her up to the treatment barn, and she wouldn't go in, so, Dr. Fuller decides to do a rectal on her in the middle of the walkway, with little hundred pound me trying to hold her still. Oh, fun fun fun. I finally got out of there at eight o'clock, after being dragged around the parkinglot by Fuller's horse.

No, the fun doesn't end there. Yesterday, LeShay isn't at work. When I ask why, I find out that that cat bite she had gotten had become infected, and she was in the hospital.

Originally, LeShay was going to stay with Dr. Fuller after hours for a surgery, well, with her gone, I got elected to do it. Well, that was fine with me, until I had a little problem with Dr. Fuller.

As I have stated in here before, I got to work early everyday, and volunteer, and during that time, I am generally chatty. I mean, I work, but I talk to everyone there with me, which is normally Leslie, since we are good friends. Well, Leslie and I were out in the recovery stall, giving medications to a horse that had had surgery that morning. A rule where I work at, is that any time you are giving injectable meds, or drawing blood, you must have a second person there (we don't always follow this, but we are supposed to. So, I went with Leslie to give the medications.

Kathy, one of the most stubborn people I know, was cleaning out a stall. Leslie and I had both told her not to do it, that we would do it when the meds were done, well, she did it by her own choice. Well, Dr. Fuller ambles out into the treatment barn, and sees her doing it, and tells her that she needs to leave since she has an appointment, and that Leslie and I should do it. Kathy said that she had it. Well, Dr. Fuller procedes to say that Leslie and I mirrored each others movements like

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, and that we didn't do things. Leslie and I are in the recovery stall, mouths hung open, getting angry. Yes, Leslie and I talk, but we have NEVER neglected anything. Everything is always clean, and the doctors always have help, unless there is a job that requires both of us. We don't sit idley by and talk, we are always working. So, I was PISSED. What also annoys me is that he knew that we were in the stall. Argh.

So, I was already angry at him, when I noticed that a dog in the back that was supposed to have a heart worm treatment didn't seem to have had it. I walked up to Fuller, and asked him if he had done it. Well, he decided to yell and fuss at me because he didn't know the dog was back there, and why hadn't I told him, I should have known he didn't know, blah blah blah. Last time I checked my job description, I am not supposed to inform the doctor of treatments that he/she is supposed to do, and knows about. If I followed my job description exactly, I would get there at three everyday, leave at six, and never leave the kennel. As this diary attests to, I sure as hell do a lot more than that, and I don't even get paid for it.

So, keeping my temper under control, I walk back into surgery with Dr. C, and cool down. It finally comes time for the after hours surgery, and Kim, the other tech that was staying showed up. While they were prepping, I went and helped Dr. C (now don't laugh!) scrub and wrap a horse's penis. Yeah, what I do for my job, that's as close to a horses penis at I ever want to get.

Leslie and Dr. C then leave, and I got back to surgery with Fuller and Kim. Things are going smoothly, and I am thining about leaving, when Kim has to glove in, so I begin to do anesthesia. Well, suddenly, Kim gets pale, and says she has to leave, so I quickly glove in, and ask my mom to come and do anesthesia. Since my mom was a nurse, she knows about the anesthesia pretty well, but I was still directing her on what to do. The whole time during surgery, I am sitting there, gritting my teeth, not wanting to tell Fuller exactly what I am thinking of him at that point. Twelve o'clock finally rolls around, and I have been holding a dog's leg in the air for two hours, while the other hand is pushing and pulling at the joint, and I can no longer feel my hands. He finally closes up, and tells me he will buy me a nice dinner one night for staying so late, and that I am really good help, blah blah blah. So, then, I couldn't exactly be pissed at him, but I was still angry. I am going to confront him, hopefully tomorrow.

The awesome part is, tomorrow, I am officially teching, instead of just being a kennel assistant, so that's cool. Yay for me.

Happy Valentine's Day


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