May 03, 2003
8:57 p.m.

I need to write a real entry soon, but, for now, you get another work diatribe..

Wednesdays at work are always boring. Those are normally the days that I end up restocking all the rooms, scrubbing cabinets, basically, any busy work I can think of. Well, of course, since I was extremely tired this wednesday, it didn't happen like that. I didn't get home until 11:30. Murphey's law, right?

First, I ended up spending two hours holding oxygen on a hyperventalating dog. He was breathing horribley, and had started to turn slightly blue. The dog had a temperature of almost a hundred and five. So, we put a fan on him, turned of all the lights in the room, alcoholed his foot pads, and kept him on the oxygen. So, here I am, standing alone in this dark room, with a dog that can't breathe. I know it's getting late, and I am hoping, that since LeShay disappeared, she is doing the kennel, or something to help us get out of there. At around five thirty, the dog finally started to breathe better, and I was able to put him in a cage. It's then, that I find out LeShay had just randomly left, since she is Dr. Fuller's favorite, she can get away with that. I started on the kennel, somewhat grumpily, with my mind set on going home. I was waiting for Kathy and Dr. C to get back from their emergency, hoping Kathy would be able to help me finish cleaning up. No such luck, I ended up having to do the whole clinic by myself.

When I finally finished, I walked outside to throw away trash, and saw that Kathy and Dr.c were back, and were working on a horse. I asked what was going on, apparently, the horse had gone into labor the day before, but, because Dr. Myers couldn't rectal her, he thought she was colicking. Long story short, the baby was now most likely dead, and the mare was having trouble. She wasn't pushing at all, and would panic every time she would have a contraction. Dr. Myers went in with a sleeve, and found out that her uterus was twisted about a hundred and eight degrees, making it impossible for the baby to get out. Dr. Myers suggested we tried a procedure where we knock the horse out with drugs, put a board over it's belly, and roll the horse, while someone stands on the board. It's hard to explain without actually seeing it. Anyway, we tried that, which worked a little bit, but the baby was still not coming out. So, Dr.Myers went in and started trying to pull the baby out. He and Dr. Fuller worked for what seemed like forever, but couldn't get the baby to budge. We ended up coming up with an idea that's kind of gruesome, so I am going to forgo details. They told us to let the mare wake up, so that she would stand, and they would have more room to get their hands in. So, the mare stands up, and, with the amount of drugs still in her system, she is still very shaky. Kathy and Dr.C are holding the head, I am holding the tail, trying to keep the back end stable, and Dr. Myers and Dr. Fuller are pulling like hell to get the foal out. Dr. Myers is laying on the ground, his feet on the mare's butt, pulling. The mare's legs start to buckle, and me and Kathy start screaming at the guys to get out of there, because we are about to loose her. If the mare fell backwards, she was going to fall right on Dr. Myers, and Dr. Fuller. I am screaming, and slapping the mare, trying to get her to stand up, but she is so drugged that it's just not happening. Finally, she kicks, and jumps foward, the baby come out, Fuler and Myers land flat on their butts, and Dr. C jumps away from the mare, I let go of the tail, but Kathy hangs on. The mare staggers and falls, taking Kathy with her. The mare is thrashing around, trying to get up and Kathy is having trouble getting out of the way. Finally, the mare sits still for a second, and I grabbed Kathy, and we got away from the mare. Once she got up, we grabbed her again. It all happened so fast. Luckily, the mare is doing great.

Thursday was payday, and let me tell you how wonderful raises are :)

I finally got my application into college, hopefully I got in. Wish me luck.

Watched the Derby today, of course, the horse I was rooting for didn't win. I think I am bad luck for horse racing... The horse that one, Funny Cide, just doesn't have the oomph..if you ask me. I just can't see him winning the tripple crown. On top of that, he's a gelding, so, if he wins, he can't pass on his genes. I don't know, I just really didn't like him.

A real entry with some meaning soon...if I ever have time.


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