1:29 a.m.

The better mood that I talked about in yesterday's entry didn't happen. I now have to go in on Monday, my day off, to let Holly in, because she lost her key. She just assumes that I'll be happy to drive twenty minutes there, early in the morning, on my day off, to let her into the clinic. I was so tempted to say no, but that would mean either someone else got inconvinienced, or she would just plain not do it. I couldn't do that to the animals. I don't trust her. So, it looks like no day off for me. I think the doctors are fed up with her as well, as are some of our better clients. Grr. Okay, that's all the rant I will do tonight. I am sick of talking about her.

Hmm, something good to talk about..::thinks:: I get paid on Tuesday. That's good right? I'm hoping to get about six hundred dollars, which wil alll go to help my mom pay the bills. Oh well, I get to hold the check for a few minutes. Hehe.

I am really tired today, and as you can tell, I don't really have much to talk about. Hopefully my spirits, and energy, will be up tomorrow.


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