11:36 p.m.

On the news today, there was a story about how a county in Georgia may start allowing gay partners to share in work benefits. I happened to be over at my grandparents house when this story came on, and my grandfather shook his head, saying 'before you know it, they'll be allowing marriages.' It hurt. If course, he has no idea about me, I still hide myself from him, so he doesn't know that it hurt me. I just got kind of quiet, withdrawn. He asked me what was wrong, but I threw on a smile, and said nothing. He trusts me, so he believed me. I hate lying to people about that, especialy him, the man I have looked up to my whole life. My grandfather is the man that I admire most in my life, but I keep one of the biggest parts of my life from him. Part of me knows it's for the best, because even though I know he would still love me, he would never be able to accept me for who I am. He would be the type to try and change me. So, instead of having to deal with that, I will just keep that part of my life to myself. Sometimes I just wish that people weren't so frightened of the unknown.

I was watching 'The Wedding Planner' with my mom tonight, and in one part, Mary says that love isn't like some fairy tale. It got me thinking, something that is often quite dangerous around me. Why not? Why can't love be like a fairy tale. Fairy tale love doesn't necessarily mean a love with no problems, not to me anyway. To me, it just means one of those loves that sweeps you off your feet and thrusts you into a world full of dreams come true. To me, it's a love that doesn't fade with the sunrise, but instead grows stronger with each storm that rages against it. So why can't love be like a fairy tale? Do people really settle for less? Don't give up on your fairy tale..


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