2:50 p.m.

I realized that yesterday, when I wrote the entry, I was a little upset, and I didn't really get into details. So, to answer a few of the questions about the financial prediciment, I am writing this entry. If it were just my mom and I, we could easily make it on the money I bring in, we can live very simple lives. However, my mom is my great aunt and uncle's 'gaurdian,' so, their finances, as well as their care, is in our hands. The cost of the medicines they are on, plus their living arrangement ends up depleting most of our money. Even after medicare, their medicines run six or seven hundred dollars. The, we have the medicine my mom is on. She takes a total of twenty something pills a day, and when you add a bunch of co-pays, it isn't exactly cheap. I didn't want to sound like my mom and I manage to throw away a thousand dollars a month, it is all spent for a good cause. We have taken out a second mortgage, but, those funds have been depleted. This money situation has been going on for almost a year. So, for a year, we have had no income, so all in all, I think we have actually done really well. Since my mom has fallen behind on mortgage, her credit has now bottomed out, making it difficult to get any other kind of financial aid. Someone also mentioned food stamps, which we already have. I'm not ashamed to admit it, we needed the help.

My mom and I have always been proud I guess, and it is really hard to ask for help, but we really need it. Thank you to those that have already donated, and those that sign my guestbook. The moral support is welcome with open arms. Thank you.


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