
Sorry for my lack of updating, but I have a cold, and I haven't really felt like updating. I got tired of wiping off my computer keys after sneezing on them ;)

My dogs really have it out for me I tell you. My puppy Maggie, has some fascination with my paints. Five minutes in my room and she has found any tube of paint in the entire area. She doesn't eat the paint, thank god, instead she chews up the tube, puts paint everywhere, including on the white carpet and on her white fur. Most of the time, Maggie is some other color than white. Today, she happens to be green. I should have just named her rainbow or something, cause that's what she looks like.

Then, they find anyway they can to get out of the backyard fence. It was built mainly for the horses, so there are spaces where it was possible to get out. I've tried to fix them the best I can, hey, I never claimed to be a fence repairer, but the dogs just go and find somewhere else. Everytime I open my front door, one of the dogs is sitting on the porch looking innocent. It's like they think I put them in the back yard for my own enjoyment.

Then my dog Max is showing his German Shepard abilities by figuring out how to open the doors in my house. So, yesterday, I am washing Maggie in the shower because she has found some dead animal somewhere and smells like it. I'm happily washing her, she is soaking wet, soap bubbles piled up on her, when Max opens the door to my bathroom. Maggie sees the open door and rips herself from my arms, flying to the open door, water and saop trailing behind her. I jump out of the shower, breaking my shower curtin in the process, tackle Maggie to the ground, while slipping and falling on my butt because of the water on the floor, all to Max looking at me innocently. I finally had to lock the door so he wouldn't open it again. How do explain to a dog that he shouldn't open the door when you are in the bathroom?

I'll probably update later tonight to make up for my lack of updating..::begs for forgiveness from d*landers:: ;)


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