March 05, 2003
9:29 p.m.

My dog Piper was attacked by one of my dogs today. She was pretty torn up. I was inside, and the dogs were out in the kennel when I heard them barking, which, wasn't really unusual, but then, I heard Piper scream. I ran out there, and all I saw was Piper, and blood. The next few minutes are a bit of a blur. I looked at Piper, and saw that it was more than just scrapes. I threw her in my truck, not even putting a blanket down to cover my seat, and made the seventeen minutes drive to the clinic in thirteen minutes. Me..speed..never. Piper was wonderful. She let us clip all her wounds, without even the smallest of fusses. They didn't look that bad on the surface, so I was starting to feel better. Dr. C finished up a couple of appointments, and then, we took Piper into surgery to close up the wounds. Dr. C looked into one of the holes, and said the muscle was slightly damaged, but it wasn't really a big deal. The, she looked at the next hole. I have worked with the woman long enough to know her facial expressions. The one she had on her face wasn't very encouraging. The small tear in muscle turned out to be a shredded area the size of my fist. It was huge. It took us an hour to patch that back together. Piper was in the surgery room for over an hour and a half. Dr. C said that with such severe muscle damage, that she wanted Piper on fluids, because damage of that kind can cause the kidneys to not function so well. I was scared out of my mind. She was doing pretty good when I left tonight, but I am still worried sick about her. She is my baby.

I went to check on Elisa after work. She seems to be settling in just fine. The lady is really nice, so, it looks like it's all good there.

I also found a box on my doorstep today from I knew I hadn't ordered anything, so I asked my Mom if she had. She gave me a funny look and said know. I shrugged and opened it up, and found one of the books on my wishlist, 'You can train your horse to do anything.' I read the order form, and apparently it's from a random diarlyander, just giving me some well wishes. So, whoever you are, thank you, it was a wonderful end to this day, it made it all seem not so bad. And, just so you know, I read through half the book already tonight. So, just, thanks, thanks a lot :).


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