5:49 p.m.

Nine years ago, a little show appeared on Fox's Friday nights. I was on my way up to my room, when my step-mother called me down to the tv, telling me an interesting show was about to come on. I was intreagued in the show, well, as much as a nine year old child can be. I liked the show, as I had always been interested in aliens and such. I decided I would watch it. For the next year, I watched it off and on, when ever I was at the tv. It was a cool show, but I never thought it would amount to much more than that.

Before I knew it, my Friday nights were planned so that I would be in front of that tv by nine o'clock. Then, I met my then best friend when we both mentioned X-files in class one day. We began getting together every Friday and watching the show. It was a ritual of sorts. Rarely a Friday was missed. Then came the Mulder/Scully relationship. I was a young girl, and here in front of me was a relationship I could only dream to have. A relationship of equality and respect. I became a shipper. The slightest hand touch between the two had my friend, Lauren, and I in a fit of girlish giggles. My frist glimpse of what love could be.

I began recording the episodes, it gave me a way to get away from things during the day. When my step-father would be the pompous jerk he was, I could retreat into the living room, and watch this strange tv show that lightened up my heart.

Eventually, my friend and I went our seperate ways, we both changed, and, she wouldn't, or couldn't work on our friendship in her knew life. Still, a certain episode of X-files will remind me of her, and, even though she hurt me a lot, I can still smile and think fondly of her. She taught me a lot about believing enough in myself, and who I was, to not care what other people thought of me, even if it was my best friend. I learned it the hard way, but, it really helped to shape me into who I am today.

Then, on the first day of tenth grade, I saw a glimpse of an X-files shirt. Me, being the very shy person I am, followed behind this person for a few moments, before I got up the nerve to approach her. "Nice shirt." Little did I know, that that simple comment would start something that would drastically change my life. The person in that shirt was Jenn. At first, our conversations were about X-files, then they grew deeper. She helped pick up the pieces of Lauren's departure. Soon, my Sunday night's, after X-files had been moved, were speant laughing with Jenn. We grew close, and I was once again able to give my heart to a friend. You guys know the rest of that story. Jenn helped me realize who I was, and became my first true love. I will always love her.

Anyway, I came diaryland, flipping through a few names, when I saw am X-files related name. I began reading this girl's diary. We really hit it off, and became fast friends. She lived an entire country away, so I thought it would be only an internet friendship. One night, I called her, and we talked on the phone for quite a while, having a ball. Next thing I know, I am on a plane, flying to meet a "stranger" who lives in another country. What an amazing friend she has become.

I also began to notice other philes on here, such as Megan and Mary, both who I consider wonderful friends.

The show had it's final episode last night, and, while I think it was time for it to go off air, I morned the loss of a show that has so profoundly affected my life. I mean, it sounds sort of pathetic for a show to mean so much to me, but, in it's own little way, it helped shape me into the person I am today. The people I have met, the relationships I have forged, would they have happened without this little hole in the wall show that was supposed to fail it's first season out?

So, goodbye X-files, and thank you so much for the ride you have taken me on.


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