September 05, 2002
9:33 p.m.

This week has just been kind of sucky. I had the day off on Sunday, but ended up being at the clinic until three o'clock in the morning with Play-On. I think I am a little confused about the term 'off'. I should have known going in for a ten minute little favor wouldn't work. 3:00 am pajama parties don't work. Getting five hours of sleep before having to be back is bad.

Tuesday, Mom called me and told me that she needed to borrow some money to get our carpet changed. Well, my college fund is now down to fifty five dollars. I don't mind helping my Mom out, because she has supported me for all of these years, but when it starts affecting my schooling and stuff, it gets a bit more personal. I still haven't really gotten to actually keep any paychecks that I have earned. So, I was a bit sore about this, when she tells me that we have one day to get all the furniture moved out, and get all of the carpet up. What?? In what spare time was I supposed to accomplish this, I have been working seven days a week, and I am beyond exauhstion.

Wednesday, my Mom woke me up, and told me she was going to the hospital. I sleepily said 'Oh,okay. Bye........WHAT?' She hasn't been taking very good care of herself, and she has just been pushing herself far too hard. SHe had taken three nitroglycerin and she was still having severe chest pains. She's in the hospital now, and the doctors are trying to remove on of the clots in her heart with medicine, and not another by-pass, but there is still a chance she may have to go under the knife again.

Today, I have been working hard on saving a young fawn that made it's way to our clinic. His back leg is fractured extremely bad, but he seems to want to live. It's amazing to have the ability to get so close to a wild animal. Dr. C even had me tube it by myself. It was kind of nerve wracking because I have never done it before, but it wasn't too hard. The hardest part was getting it down the right hole.

Other than that, I guess life has been going okay.


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