8:08 p.m.

Well, this has certainly not been the best week of my life, but I guess it hasn't been the worst either.

I've watched how things can change people, as they have changed Kathy, my co-worker. The past few months have been hard on her, both emotionally and health wise. Lately, instead of being the fun, out going person I am used to, she has become a person I can't tollerate to be around. Suddenly, I am so stupid that I can't do a simple task without an hour long explanation of how to do it, and, her checking with me every two seconds to make sure I am doing it right. I am not talking about a surgical procedure here, I am just talking about taking a dog for a walk. Because her health is failing, she feels like she may no longer be useful, so, she instead feels like she must show everyone up. She feels that she must stay late every single night, just to make it look like Leslie and I simply couldn't even go to the bathroom without her all mighty help. Grr. I have never dreaded going to work before, not the way I do when she is working.

We had a staff meeting on Friday, and, Kathy will now being staying late three nights a week..three nights that I will HATE going to work. The job I love. With the addition of Kathy to the afternoon shift, I basically got my favorite part of my job ripped away from me. If there are two techs in the afternoon, then I won't be needed in assisting the doctors. Oh well, I am, afterall, -only- the kennel/barn assistant. Anyway, after talking to quite a few of my co-workers, I found I am not the only one dreading this overstay of Kathy. What upset me more, however, is the fact that even though Boss Man promised me a promotion, I have yet to see it. My co-workers all told me to go and talk to Billy, and tell him, since Kathy's health is failing, that I would like to take a few of her afternoon shifts. Well, I finally got the balls to do it tonight, and I was told no. He said it was Kathy's idea (no big surprise considering Leslie and I can't do anything without her) and that she could handle it. So much for any hopes of a promotion.

Okay, I've gotten that out of my system, now to talk about the, now somewhat funny, surgery table incident. Friday, we were putting a horse under anesthesia to remove a softball sized thyroid off of the horse's neck. To accomplish this, the horse is placed in a padded stall, given the drugs, and we all push on it in such a way that it is forced to sit down, and then slowly go over. After this, the horse is lifted up by chains placed around the front and back feet, and the surgery table is wheeled in underneath. We then tie the horse to the table, and move it out into the surgery room..where there are no chains. So, horse gets tied, we start wheeling, horse gets unbalanced...horse starts falling. Dr. C starts pushing on the abdomen area, and I start pushing on the butt. Two women, bairly over a hundred pounts are no match for a 1200 pound animal. Finally, despite out efforts, down the horse goes. I see one leg still tied to the table, in a very strange angle, I see blood..I am running into the clinic. I grab Dr. Fuller's arm, and am yanking him back into surgery. We got the leg untied, fixed the catheter, where the blood was coming from, and, five us dragged the horse back two feet, enough to get the chains hooked on to drag the horse the rest of the way. Talk about adrenaline.

The surgery goes quite well, and we get the horse situated in the recovery stall. We are all milling around when we notice blood seaping from under the door. Throwing open the door shows us that the horse had managed to rip out every suture on it's neck, including on over an artery. Blood is everywhere. Dr. C throws her bare hand into the wound to control bleeding, while the rest of us are running around like crazy trying to get her stuff. A very strenuous hour later, everything is back to normal. I, however, am covered in blood, and my co-workers and I were supposed to go out to a nice restaraunt that night to eat. So, after a rushed clean up of the clinic, Leslie and I fly to her house, change clothes, and go out to eat..everyone was about two hours late..but we had a blast, and that's what counts.

Then, I got to see my first case of full blown rabies. I mean, there have been suspected cases..but this was the real thing. Foaming at the mouth, neuroligcal, everything. The guy who brought the dog in had only had it for a few weeks, so we called the previous owner, and asked him about the dog's status on vaccinations. Well, this is the guys reply:
Guy:I'd like to see me a real case of rabies
Ellyn: There have been several cases..
Guy: No, those were only reported and suspected cases
Ellyn: What do you mean?
Guy: Well, I don't believe in rabies. It doesn't exist. It's just a government conspiracy to get vets in buisiness. All this rabies nonesense. Idiots, all of you.
Ellyn: So, I guess this means you didn't have them vaccinated?

There is more, but sleepiness prevails


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