February 03, 2006
10:07 a.m.

I just realized I haven't updated in a freakishly long time. Livejournal is has seriously taken over.

Here's a basic summary of the past month:

1)I still maintained my 4.0, all A's for me, baby. This semester is looking a bit shaky...

2)I am back at the clinic three days a week. I ended up working a 12 hour shift with Dr. F, and after noting how smoothly the day went, he went to Boss Man and the next thing I know, a calandar is being thrust at me, with Michele saying "pick your days and hours." I work as the afternoon assistant, which can be a bit hectic when you are juggling three different doctos, but I enjoy it. I really missed working there regularly.

3)I have become addicted to the tv show House. If you don't watch it, you need to.

4)My horse is doing good. The lady where I had her borded ended up moving, but the new owners didn't mind keeping Elisa there. They even offered to buy her, several times. My horse is such a little ham. She's made these people fall in love with her. The new owner's grandson will just go out into the pasture and hug her for twenty minutes, and she just stands there. They are really nice people, so I am happy with the new arrangement.

5)Actually...I don't think there is a five. How sad is it that a month of time can be summed up in less than five bullett points? I have so got to get a life...


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