
I feel so proud of myself tonight. I may have solved on of my mom's little medical mysteries that she has been wondering about for the past few years. She's been plagued by hallucinations at night. Her hallucinations range from worms on her dresser, to men with guns over her bed. They always happened in the middle of the night, about an hour after she went to bed. Well, I was watching tv tonight when a woman was having hallucinations because her blood sugar was really high. Well, me and my genius mind :) think about my mom. She's borderline diabetic and her sugars are kind of freaky. So I brought this up to her, and according to the time of night that everything was happening it seems to fit. So, I feel special cause I solved a mystery. Yay me.

It's weird how some people can make any subject sound exremely interesting..while no matter what I talk about it sounds like I am talking about nothing. Oh wait, that would be self degrading of me to say, shame on me ::slaps wrist::

Oh, I got accepted into interpretations, go me! I think the whole thing is a wonderful idea. It's amazing to see how many different ideas can come off of a one word statement. This months topic is distractions, and when I mentioned that to my mom, she began talking about something completely different than what I was thinking. It's just the different way we interpret things..hince the name of the diary ::light goes on in head::

I was watching the show called Paramedics on TLC today, and it was an episode about a tornado that hit in Oklahoma. The show was showing how hard the paramedics were working to save the hundreds of people that were critically injured. Well, the voice over guy begins to talk about how devistating the tornado was to the animals, and they pan the camera over to a dead horse who reminded me of my horse Sam. Well, they begin to talk about some other injured person, but all I can think about it is the poor horse. I mean, couldn't they have put a sheet over it or something, I mean, the poor thing. After this, I began to feel guilty at the fact that I was more concerned about this poor already dead animal than the human counterparts. In the end though, I guess that just shows where my loyalties are.

Animals, if treated well, will be loyal to the death. In most cases, and animal would die for you. They are honest, never will an animal lie to you. Most animals won't betray you, leave you standing in the rain alone. They don't care what you look like. You're having a bad hair day? No problem, it doesn't make your lap any less inviting. Humans, however, can let you down, can hurt you. I don't think I conciously view life in this manner, it seems kind of judgemental, it's just something that my brain seems to think on its own.

"I haven't seen this kind of love
the kind that won't wash away and then leave you in teh dark
I would die for you
I would die for you
I would die for you


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