
I was reading the quoted update today when I saw a quote by Fatal-Error that I thought was extremely funny:
'I really don't understand internet D/s relationships. I mean, if someone ordered me to do something online, I'd be like "Why...what are you going to do if I say refuse,type in all caps?"'
After reading that I had to go check out here diary, that is something that would come out of my mouth. So, in every entry that I raed, I found something that had me laughing hysterically. How could I have missed her all this time! If you haven't read this diary yet, I suggest you give it a read.

So, my mom and I are at odds at the moment. I mean, I know I'm a teenager, and it's written in the teen handbook that you are supposed to fight with you mom, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. Tonight I'm such a horrible child that she is sick of me and wants me to go live at my dads house..my offense:I didn't take the trash up by the time that she told me telepathically..I hate to break it to her, but my telepathic abilities just aren't developed. Hopefully everything will be okay in the morning, and if I suddenly stop writing in her, have the police come and dig in the back yard :)

I was watching The X-files on FX tonight, and I was noticing how bad actors can be sometimes. I mean, I'm not one to talk, I know that as much as I love acting, I won't win any acadamy awards, but it was kind of funny. I have now renamed on of the actors robot man. The way he talked was so fake, it had me laughing during this "serious" scene. He's going "We. Will. Contain. This. Mr. Mulder. That. Is. Not. An. Option. Mr. Mulder. That. Will. Not. Be. A. Possiblility." You get the point. The dramatic pause after every word, no use of contractions, I thought it was funny anyway.

Isn't he just a cutie. I know, very un me-like to mention the word cute in tandom with something other than an animal, but I just had to let myself slip just this once. He plays Leo on the tv show Charmed, which is also a great show. Anyway, I just had to put that up :)

Well, that is all the updating for tonight, talk to everyone tomorrow.


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