
I've created a monster out of Merilily. A voice mail monster that is :) We've been voice mailing each other back and forth for a while tonight...I even made my mom send a message. She was funny, sitting there in her pink night gown, talking about how short she was, giving me mean looks because she said she had nothing to say and I handed her the phone anyway...you had to be there.

Speaking of Merilily, she has made me become addicted to the marbles game she linked to in her page. I would link to it here, but I don't know the address off the top of my head. Merilily had gone from feedback whore, to layout queen. She's been making some very nice layouts for her page lately.

Does anyone know how hard it is to find a picture of a purple butterfly on the internet. I've been looking for one for the layout that I am making for Sulla and they are like non existant. Now, when I wasn't looking for them, I saw cute little butterflies everywhere, now it's like a massive disappearance just to make me crazy :) Oh well, it's a challenge.

Today has been an interesting day for me on IM. I've actually been saying some funny stuff. Merilily is going to post one of these things on her webpage..so I'll leave it off of here for now, but here are some other humorous or emarassing things that I've IMed today :)
JeNgreen25: I just love those sappy fanfics that have no point whatsoever and have no relationship to the show itself
Eve103: yeah..um..uh huh..basically you like the porn stories..I can see through you.

AshAmesLey: how do you say "cow"?
Eve103: I don't know..they say I sound like I am from new york or something..my mom says I say it fast and give it like a hard 'O' or something
AshAmesLey: i saw it "cow" as in rhymes with "wow"
Eve103: that's how I say it..but here in the south they want you to say it something like 'cayoww' that's the only way I can describe it

I did a lot more, but I don't want to take up this whole entry with stupid stuff like that :)

Oh, but here's a cure quote from my mom today "You need to come get your puppy and your poopy" Now don't go thinking all dirty on me..it wasn't actually -mine- it was the puppy's..you get the point.. I just though it was kind of funny.

Anyway..I think I need to go to sleep..I'm talking funny. :)

"You say potato, I say potahto
you say tomato, I say tomahto
potato potahto tomato tomahto
lets call the whole thing off"


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