
I had an entry yesterday all typed up yesterday, and then an error message came up that the server was down and to try again later..well, when I hit the backspace button, everything was gone :( I guess diaryland decided that you guys didn't deserve to read my wonderful entry.

This is just a short entry tonight, because my friend is staying over, and I really should be a wonderful hostess, but my urge to talk to all my diaryland people is just too strong. Don't ya'll feel special now.

You can tell it's Christmas holidays around here, because so many people aren't updating. I guess we all decided to forgo our wonderful antisocial computer behavior, and assure our family members that we do infact exist :) I'm going crazy..if I read the same entries one more time I'm going to go insane..not that I'm not already past that point.

I guess my biggest news it the fact that I got a new camera. This camera is awesome! It's not just the little $30 point and click kind, this is a heavy duty serious photograph kind. For the past six months I guess, I've been really interested in photography, even wanting to brave my anxiety and take a few classes. That kind of fell through, because my anxiety didn't have the same ideas..but I was still drooling over the really heavy duty cameras. Well, I get to my Dad's house Christmas morning, and apparently my Mom had told him my hearts desire, and there, in a box was the exact camera that I had been drooling over, but decided I would never get due to the outrageous price. My dad has always been the one who will buy the cheapest thing, no matter how bad it is, so the fact that he went out and got me 'the best of the best' camera astounded me. The exciting part, this camera makes the sound like in the movies..you know what I'm talking about, the ksssshhhhhccckkkcchhhh sound. I'm not crazy, I swear! :)

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and I look foward to reading your entries. Oh, and cool Pischina on finally being able to get the sims, it's a really fun game. And Merilily I did realize you were missing..I was just too lazy to comment on it. You gotta love me :) Okay, I am off to be a good host to Jenn. Night.

"captured in a photograph in black and white
her hair brushes her shoulder as she reaches to turn out the light
she's warm and you can feel it, but she can't feel you now
no, she's just to numb to move."

Tara Maclean "Let her feel the rain." Yes, I have used this song before, but it fit here too, so I used it again :)


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