
Yay, I got voice mail messages. Waterlily was the first to give me one, then Pischina came next with a wonderful version of the itsy bitsy soider :) My mom though I was nuts when I burst into laughter, and when she asked who I was talking to, I told her no one. My mom simply shok her head and walked away.

I'm so excited cause I talked to Mars on the phone tonight. She's the first person that I have talked to that I actually met online. We had a really fun conversation. We discovered we both talk a lot, which meant we spent half the conversation trying to talk above each other. It was really funny. We were both so nervous, but once we started talking we couldn't stop, we said bye for like five minutes before we actually hung up. It was really cool..but I think I have expressed that already :)

My little puppy had turned her white fur blue. She managed to get into a tube of my oil paint, and by means unknown to me, her entire body is blue. It is the cutest thing..I'm going to take a picture and get it up here eventually. Poor Jenn slept over here last night, and she got blue paint all over her. Everytime she would get it almost all off, a new spot would appear. Then her mom woke her up early cause it was beginning to get icy. I think she was ready to kill someone.

My mom and I watched Gilmore Girls together tonight and we were getting along pretty good, until the dog we are dogsitting jumped up on the bed, spilling food all over her sheets. Somehow, this became my fault, and she took her plate, and everything, and threw it to the floor, yelling at me the whole time. Oh well, my day was better after talking to Mars(who doesn't have a Canadian accent ;))

I also talked to Mariel, on AIM, who is a very cool person. A fellow X-phile which is very cool, can never have too many of them :) I also IMed with Merilily who is being stubborn as to what she wants for Christams. I finally got something out of her, after threatening to get her a thong with pictures of Barney on them. I think I could get something out of anybody by threatening them with that. I guess I was just a social butterfly today. Very unlike me.

Oh, and someone reccomended me for Diarylog, which is awesome. I'm just having a pretty good day today. Yay.

"Itsy bitsy spider when up the water spout
down came the rain that washed the spider out
out came the sun that dried up all the rain
and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again

Pischina(well, the version on my voice mail anyway) "Itsy bitsy spider"


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