
No worries Merilily I am still alive. I was forced to go over to my dad's house to help decorate the Christmas tree. Oh joy. And then, me feeling bad for not seeing him in like three or four weeks, alowed myself to be talked into spending that night. Even more fun. ::rolls eyes:: It's not that I mind my dad, or my step-mother at all, they are really nice people. I think it's just their constant perfectness that drives me up a wall. I mean, my step-mom will tell me how messy the house is, just because she hasn't dusted for an entire three days. Jeez...I don't even know if I can tell you the last time I dusted anything in my house. I then offer to let the dog (a shelti named Randy) sleep with me, cause sometimes I find it hard to sleep without some type of animal around me. My step-mom answers with "No, that would really get Randy out of his routine." I mean, I know it's good to have a routine for your animals, but is sleeping in a different room really going to send them into some type of routine based coma? Grr, sorry. This is what computer withdrawal does to me. They don't have a computer over there..I don't even thing my dad knows how to turn one on. So, I was over there, with just my dad, and a fuzzy tv screen that gets two channels to keep my company.

I still haven't found Leo, my little black lab puppy. I'm worried about him. We hung signs up today, and spent another two hours calling for him, after some lady said she might have seen him in a ditch playing. She then said, and I quote, "You might want to check with the people on the other side of this road. They have a lot of dogs, people always drop dogs off there. They will take any animals. They seem really nice." So, I'm trying to place what house they are talking about, cause the only one that I could figure would be our house. So I whisper to my mom, 'Are they talking about us?' They were. It was really funny. We somehow have managed to get a reputation with people we have never met. I don't really know how that works. I mean..we don't have -that- many animals do we?

In the spirit of the Diaryland Christmas party, I shall write my own version of what happened :)Of course, as Merilily said, we have to go over our stories to make sure we don't reveal anything the other doesn't want known :) We weren't really alowed into the main part of the party, cause we were underage, but Pischina gave us lots and lots of quarters so that we could play games..although some of those quarter went into the purchase of Lara Croft tatoos. I don't think anybody really noticed that we were gone for two hours. If they did, the didn't mention it. I think the only person was Jenn. She came while Me and Ashley were in our bathroom tatooing fest, (that sounds kinda bad doesn't it?) saw that noone her age was there, said bah humbug and went back home to bed :) Sweetscully and I also got into a major discussion about recent episodes of X-files, and Ashley sat there and shook her head at us. Then, Maile started comparing our medications. Us crazy people have to stick together you know :) It was really fun though, and the food was great. Whoever made those yummy chocolate doghnuts better fess up, they were great!

As we speak, my mom is fixing Ramen noodles, and yes, I know it's three in the morning, we have weird sleeping habbits, but anyway, as she is fixing them, she is tapping out "Jingle bells with a metal spoon. It's actually quite annoying. Speaking of Christmas music, I think that's a mistake that a lot of stores make during Christmas. It's a proven study that during the holidays, contiuous play of the same Christmas songs make shoppers that are standing in incredibly long lines more prone to eratic impulses. Okay, so that's not true, I made it up, but it sounded good. And, it the way I feel when standing in those really long lines :)

Oh, and it's snowing here as we speak. And it's sticking. ::does little happy dance:: If you know Georgia weather, you'll know how amazing this is this early in the season. I just love the snow!

"Jingle bells
Jingle bells
Jingle all the way
oh what fun
it it to ride
in a one horse open sleigh

"Jingle Bells"


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