
I finally got around to seeing the Grinch tonight. Merilily kept telling me how good it was, but the thought of actually having to get dressed out of my nice pajamas and do something almost productive, like walking, just seemed to much for me :) I went with Jenn and her brother and sister to see it. It was really good. Anyway, that's not the point of the story, here's the funny part. My mom and I are the worst people in the world when it comes to locking doors. On pretty much any given day, you can get into our house or our car without breaking a sweat. Mostly our car. I swear, we haven't locking in over a year. Well, after the movie, my mom and I are walking out to the car, and my mom is searching for her keys. So, we get to the car, and are about to go back into the theater to try and find them, when I see something shiny on the seat. So, I go to open the door to get them and I find the darned thing locked. On the one night where it's raining, and the keys are in the car, my mom decided to lock the doors. So, we get the friendly ::coughyeahrightcough:: neighborhood police man to open the door. Well, my mom is one of those poeple who just have to give everyone something. I mean, she asks my teachers if they need birthcontrol pills, cause she can get the from the doctors office she works at for free. I don't need to know about my teacher's sex lives. Anyway, as the police man is getting in his car, my mom asks him if he is married, after he gave her a weird look, he hesitantly said yes. So, she runs to the back of her car, and throws the cop a pair of socks. Here, give these to her, they're really comfy. Lets just say the cop went a little fast out of that parking lot. Gotta love my mom :)

Who had the idea to put games on the Nokia cell phones anyway? It's their fault that my phone battery is dead more than it's alive. After my mind is dulled from playing snake all day, on those tiny phone keys, with that blinding green light, they expect me to still have enough brain cells to remember to put the phone in the charger. Yeah, that is so not going to happen. I normally don't realize the phone is dead until I go to use it. Sorry, random topic there, heh, I'm sure it has something to do with my mind being numb from playing snake for an hour.

Do you guys remember when I told you my mom strongly said that we would get no more animals. Well, she folded :) We went to the animal shelter this morning to see if our puppy was there. He ran off the other day, and hasn't come back yet, which does have me worried. I do know that he hasn't been run over, so that is a comforting thought. Well, when you see those animals in those tiny cages, you can't help but let your heart go out to them. So, my mom and I have gotten our first non black animal in a while. We have a brown and white pointer cross puppy. We named her Gracie, and when I get pictures I'll put them up. The whole way home, my mom is mumbling "I am so stupid..I can't believe myself..I got talked into it again..who's the mother in this relationship..aww, she's so cute..argh, I am such a sucker..how do I get myself into these messes..that's it Heather, this is the last one..no more..aww, she's so sweet.." There I am in the passenger seat, holding the adorable little dog, trying so hard not to laugh my head off. I love my Mom.

Well, I am off to sleep. Goodnight everyone!

"You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.
You really are a heel.
You're as cuddly as a cactus,
You're as charming as an eel.
Mr. Grinch."


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