
Well, my mom came home. Let me tell you how she came home.

She walked in the door, and before I could even give her a hug,she started in on me. Sure, I vaccumed, picked up, and emptied the dishwasher, but I must have commited one of the seven deadly sins by forgetting to take the trash up. I mean, I was only busy worrying about her, and sleeping at a friends house, and all. Jeez!

So, I give her a hug anyway, and go into my room to cool down a little bit before I yelled something I didn't mean. Then, she wants me to make her soup, after I had already given her pasta. Now I understand that she has just gotten out of the hospital, but I am tired, and my back is killing me. So, I ask her if I could make her something else instead. She tells me some hot chocolate. Okay, so I make it, and when I am finished, she says she really wants soup. I give her the hot chocolate, and ask her if she can just eat the pasta and hot chocolate, and let me make the soup tomorrow. I then go back into my room. Well, the cat managed to knock over my mom's favorite cup. Well, she starts yelling at me like crazy, and I find out she is fixing her own soup. Suddenly, all the problems in the world are my fault.

Ever since I had a verbally abusive step-father, when ever someone yells at me I flash back to him. So I start crying and go to my room again so I won't yell at my mom. I never want to yell anything that I don't mean, and when I am angry I might do that. Well, she went wacco, came in and ripped my keyboard off of my computer. The next thing I know, I've stormed out of the house, and find myself over Crackers grave, sobbing. Let's just say last night was not good. My mom and I have never had a fight this big. I haven't talked to her all day..we didn't ever watch Gilmore girls together, like we always do. It just really hurt a lot. So, anyway, I dug out my old keyboard, with the buttons that stick and the wire that is exposed and am writing this entry while my mom sleeps. Shame on me I know.

So, if I don't update a lot, or have really short entries, you'll know why. Hey Jenn wanna come rescue me?

Oh, every one go check out the picture that Maile posted of herself!

"I wish I could put my heart in a time capsul on earth
eighty million years from now
to a world not bombarded by such a hard rain"

Sue Witty "Hard rain"


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