
Well, as far as I know, my mom is coming home tonight. All I know is that when I talked to her this morning, she didn't have her pain medication anymore and was in one bad mood. I never knew that anyone in the hospital could yell so much over the phone! Oh well, I love her anyway.

Last night Jenn and I were up until two in the morning, taking strange pictures of us and her five foot blow up alien :) We have some interesting ones too...hehe. Whenever she gets them developed one of us will post them somewhere. Whenever the are up I will let everyone know when and where.

When I lived in my old house, I was very good friends with the kids across the street. John, was my first boyfriend (we were young, so it doesn't really count) and I knew Kayty before she was born. Well, when I was thirteen or so, they moved away, as did I. Kayty and I have kept in touch, however, though are live have taken different roots. Well recently she told me that although we are very different now, that she still considers me her best friend. That I was one of the only people to still believe in her when no one else did. It really made me feel good to here that.

I've always been the type of person who will stick by one of my friends to the bitter end, no matter what has happened, or how hard the times get. It was just really nice to have someone acknowledge that fact about me.

She also wrote an diary entry to me. It was very touching, and I just wanted to say, Kayty, if you ever need to come over and watch "Puff the Magic Dragon" for oldtimes sake, your are welcome to :)

Speaking of Puff, did any one else ever watch the video? I found a picture from it to help jog your memories:

No that I look back on it, it was actually a very weird show. And that fact that the theme song is though to be a reference to drugs..I'm surprised that it made it as a kids movie. The song is even sad..I would post the whole thing, but I am feeling very lazy :) So, anyway, I guess that that is my entry for today, have a nice night everyone.

"Puff the magic dragon
lived by the sea
and frolliced in the autumn mist
in a land called Hannah Leah"

Peter Paul and Mary "Puff the Magic Dragon"


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