
So, I'm in my room messing around on the computer when, with my door closed, from the other side of the house, I hear my mom screaming bloody murder. I go running, and open her bedroom door to see her sitting up, light on, panting. With the medication she is on, which is similar to Prozac, she is prone to hallucinations, which is what she had tonight. She saw a man in her room. It's always frightening when she screams though, cause I never know what's going on. Although, I guess conciously I know that some crazy guy wouldn't make it past our dogs..or maybe he would, but he wouldn't be intact.

Some of her hallucinations are quite funny though. There was once the giant worm that was on her dresser. She made me look for it for an hour before she decided that it was indeed a hallucination. Then, there were the tree people. This is an excelent story :) My mom and I were watching a movie and we both ended up falling asleep on the cough. Well, she woke me up sometimes later, simply saying 'We have things.' In my sleep haze, I open one eye and look at her, 'what do you mean we have things.' to which my mom replies 'you know, things.' Me, sleepy, but still sarcastic 'yes, we've established that, what kind of things?' Then, in a completely serious voice..'they're people..in tree costumes.' She didn't remember it in the morning, but I still tease her about it.

So, tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the US. My whole family is getting together at my Aunt's house tomorrow. My family is very close knit, which not that many families are. I see my second cousin's all the time, if that contributes to the idea of how close we are. Every May, we all take a vacation to the beach, and stay in a little beach house for a week. I'm very lucky to have a family like that, and I am very thankful that I have the chance to know them.

Well, I know that this is a semi short entry, but I'm going to go to bed so I will actually wake up before noon tomorrow. So, good night everyone, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

"We are family
I got all my sisters with me
cause we are family!"

"We are family" By someone that I can't remember right now :)


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