
You know when you watch movies, and you watch these characters make these profound discoveries about themselves? Sometimes, I wish that I could do that. Just log on here, and go guess what world, I have found the answers to everyone's problems. Or at least log on and tell everyone that I have figured out how to spell.

So right now, I just want everyone to know that I am clutching a trash can while I write this, cause my stomach isn't too happy with me. Who knows why this time. I swear, I've spent half of my life nausious. My shrink told me that it probably has to do with the anxiety, but no offense doc, I'm not the least bit anxious at the moment. Anyway, I just wanted everyone to know what a good diarylander I am being right now.

Then, I downloaded Internet explorer 5.5 today, because I'm currently using netscape, and it won't let me read words on half the diaries that I read. So I decide that I'll upgrade my IE, and use that as my default browser. Well, now, everytime I click on it, it tells me that it's preformed an illegal opperation. I feel like a felon or something. Then, I go to click on the 'My Documents' icon, and that same warning pops up. So here I am, yelling a few choice words at my computer. 'My Documents' doesn't have a thing to do with IE dammit, so why is that screwed up too!?! Anyone who can help me will be my best friend forever!! ::takes soothing breath:: Argh, I'm getting worked up.

So, I watched my Thursday shows tonight: Gilmore Girls, Charmed, and ER. All of which were excellent as usual. If you ever get a chance to watch Gilmore Girls, I just want to mention that the relationship between them is the same relationship my mother and I have...well, except when my mom has PMS, then it's a war zone. My mom is like on of my best friends, and I don't really have any secrets from her. Then, the guy who plays Leo on charmed (my mind isn't working right now, or I'd tell you his name) is such a cutie! Okay, I will now pull myself away from the normal teenage emotions, because as I have mentioned many times, I am not a normal teenager.

Several people have told me that I don't sound like a teenager at all. A lot of people have told me that I am very mature, and I think that is one of the best compliments I have received. I've always been very mature for my age, and I have always tried to be the grown up when I should have been enjoying my child hood. That's what my shrink says :) It's just the way I am, though. I think a lot of it stemmed from the fact that I read a lot, and was a real loner. Sure, I had friends, but to me, I would rather have curled up with a good book than go outside and play. I guess that allowed me to mature quicker, by third grade, they said I was reading on a 9th grade reading level. Then came the "I think we should allow her to skip a grade" speach from my teachers. I was already the youngest in the class, I don't think skipping a grade would have been the best idea.

It's kind of amazing how trying to help one person out can actually affect so many people. Like I said in my last entry, I talked to Alwayslolita and tried to help her out. I was just trying to be a good friend. Well, I check my analyzer page, and two seperate people, Xeyli and Jaywhy, took the time to thank me for talking to her. I don't know, it just felt good to know that I had made an impact on people like that. So thanks you guys.

Now Merilily has me wanting to be Quoted. I think that diary is a really good idea. My friends and I have kept a quote book, which is fun to go back and read. Maybe next entry I'll put some of those quotes up.

I guess that's all for today, talk to everyone tomorrow.


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