
I'm sure that the entries are really piling up at the moment...well, us idiots that stayed up till this horrible hour anyway. Bush has been "projected" to win. I've decided that I am sick of that stupid word. You'd think that they could expand their vocabulary a little bit. So, Pischina and Merilily I'm sorry the guy you were voting for didn't win. It was a really close race though.

Oh, and congrats to Merilily for being quoted! I just found that site, and I think that it's pretty cool, so now I'll have to think of some witty statement so I can get quoted. Thinking, and me, however, don't always fit together so well :)

I've decided that one of my dogs (Gilly) is smarter than we gave her credit for. Gilly, and the new puppy, Leo, were out in the yard this morning. Well, Gilly is in her really annoying puppy stage where she chews everything, and is in you face all the time, and stuff, so we've been leaving her out a lot lately. Well, little Leo comes up to the door, and Gilly is nowhere to be seen, so I open the door to let Leo in. The moment I open the door, Gilly pokes her head oh so slowly from behind a bush, and charges at the door, jumping over Leo. I swear she had the whole thing planned out so that she could get inside. I let her stay in, but while she was in she proceded to chew up one of my tubes of oil paint. Lets just say the white carpet has a rainbow effect now.

Oh, and happy birthday Pischina!! It's after midnight, so it's officialy your birthday. I'm so proud of myself cause I actually remembered. :)

Okay, that's all for tonight..or should I say this morning?


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