
Okay, her is my rant of the day. The judicial system of the USA suck royaly. I mean, they will let a rapist go free on the streets, merely because a cop forgot to read him his rights. I'm sorry, but since when does a criminal deserve more rights than the victims. Some rapist sure as hell didn't recite rights to his victims before cruely harming them. This was brought up when I ran up on an old news paper where a story like this was mentioned. I undertand that the criminal has rights to protect them in the case that they might be innocent, but if you have undeniable proof that someone has unlawfuly taken the life of another, then I don't care how it was gotten, this person deserves to be in jail. Don't even get me started on prisons and the death penalty. I don't really want to save the world or anything, sometimes I just want to be able to make a difference.

"Heros I don't know any, so stop trying to be one and just be somebody...someone..."

Catie Curtis "Heros"

Everyone, go and give Alwayslolita a hug. She's been having some really tough times lately, and from someone who suffers from pannic attacks, I can say I know a little bit about how she feels. She is a great person and she deserves some support.

Congrats to Abby on the happy news of her pregnancy. I designed Abby's layout, and she and I have become fast friends. She's a great person so go drop her a line.

Well, I'm off to take a shower, and yes, I do realize that it's one in the morning, but hey, I like to take late showers...or would this be considered early?


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