
I know it's been a few days, but I was working on someones layout. She hasn't put it up yet, but if you would like to see it, you can go here: Test Page . I'll link to her at the bottom when her page is up.

I've also decided that I hate HTML, I swear, one little tiny itsy bitsy typo, and you spend an hour trying to figure out what is wrong. Oh well, I still feel proud when I am done. I also played around a little with my pitas page. I don't really like it now, but it's better than the template.

I wrote in a previous entry about Anne McCaffery's Dragon Riders of Pern series. Well, I went to her webpage and wrote her a note telling her how much I enjoyed her books. I was so sure that it was a publisher or something, but imagine my shock when I recieve an E-mail from Mrs. McCaffery herself. She was very kind. If anyone can take the time to respond to me, then I strongly say that she is worth your time to read. Okay, I've encouraged you to read her enough, on to other subjects.

I've been on a Sarah Mclachlan high today. I'be been listening to her all day. Something about her music always calms me down. My birds also love her. They always chirp and whistle along with her.

On with the puppy that Jake has designated me mother too. He calls me up today "How do I make him come to me?!" I don't really know what to tell him. My dogs will normally come to me within two or three days of getting them. My dogs also are able to run freely about our property, so they figure if I'm calling them it must be a treat, feeding time, or to come in the house, so they have no reason not to come. Jake's dog knows that usualy when he is called that it is time to get tied up. I told him to try the treat approach. Doen't he get it yet, I know nothing about dog training. Just because my dogs pretend to be well-behaved when we have company, it's all a sham I tell you. They are wild monsters! :) Actually they can be good most of the time excpet for their love of my shirts..they tear up one more..

Well, have a nice night.


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