
My phone is fixed now ::does a little happy dance:: Anyway, last night was one for the books. I've decided that I am going to eat my horse tonight. Last night, I go down to feed him. Now let me explain the layout of my house so you can understand this. We have a finished daylight basement, carpet bedrooms, bathrooms, you get the picture. We also have a storage room that has double doors on it. I used to feed the horses out of the storage room, but the lock on the doors is faulty, so they were able to get in from time to time. This is not a good thing considering that eating too much grain can cause colic. Well, since my basement is temporarily being used as a storage area for some friends while they are moving, I went ahead and moever the food to the main part of the house. The back door downstairs locks good and stuff, and I figure that the horses wouldn't come in the double doors, go through a small doorway, step over my saddles, go by the kitchen table, step around the china cabenit and such to get to their food...

Anyway, you can see where I am going with this. I come downstairs and I smell horse poop, which I think is odd, so I come around the corner, and I run smack dab into my horse, Cracker, piging out on grain. We stare at each other for a moment, before he sighs and goes beside the china cabinet, around the kitchen table, over the saddles, through the doorway, and out the double doors. I look around and it's obviouse that he has been in the house a long time..judging by the three piles of horse manure on the carpet! He even went into one of the rooms and threw clothes everywhere. I've really got to explain to him that he is not allowed in the house! He also ate Weight Builder, which is a very high fat substance. So we call the vet, tell him. He tells us to watch the horse for signs of colic and founder. So me and my mom are up aaaallll night, watching the horse. Of course I am worried about him, with this being right on the aftermath of Sam's death. Well, the good news is Cracker is fine, and hungry as usual. Me, however, I am completely sleep deprived. Gotta love my life.

Okay, I'm going to try to do links again..if they don't work, well, screw them :) These are replies sort of to other peoples diaries.

Pischina: Your ex deserves to be stangled, and if it weren't for the child support he is paying I'm sure you would have already done so :) Just be glad that he at least pays the child support..albeit late.

MeriLily My dogs bark at any thing resembling a knock or a doorbell ring on the tv :) Oh yeah, and take if from a curly haired person who has to dry her hair everyday to keep is strait..you don't want curly hair! It gets all tangled, and blah. It's true, you never really want the hair you are born with :) Oh, and my favorite laten quote: Puella et equus portant aquam. For the first month of my latin class (when I was going to school) that is the only sentence anyone would use.

Okay, that's all for now, bye everyone.


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