
Well, last night after my entry I went down to feed my horses and found one of them laying on the ground. He normally spooks at everything, so I made a lot of noise and he didn't get up. I called the vet, and it turned out he had collic, as I had feared. If you don't know what collic is, it sort of like an upset stomach on horses. Horses can't throw up, so if something doesn't agree with them they get collic. By the time I had found him he had already rolled. When horses have collic, and they roll, their intestines have a tendency to twist. The only way for this to be cured is surgery.

If all this news isn't bad enough...I mean, I'm already in tears..we have to find someone to trailor our horse..at one-thirty in the morning. One of our friends lives an hour away, and this was an emergency. So we ended up calling the case worker for the horse I adopted from the rescue legue. She was kind enough to drive us to the facility. We felt a really strong bump on they way there. When we got there, and opened the trailor..my horse was dead. I really wanted him to be burried at my house, but there was no way we could get a thousand pound horse out of the trailor at three in the morning. So, I cut off a piece of his tail, and allowed them to take care of him. Most certainly not the best night of my life.

To make matters worse, I suffer from panic attacks. I was so happy because the dossage of medication I was on had pretty much stopped the attacks..well, I had three last night. Normally, half a pill of my Xanax will stop it...last night I had two. I was a complete basket case.

The only good thing last night was the vet was kind enought to take me to see a little foal that had been born premature. The gave him a five percent chance of survival..well, he is now ten days old and developing well. He had a sore on his stomach that was wrapped in a bandage. Shavings kept getting in it and causing him to itch. So they put a tee-shirt on him. It was so adorable to see this little baby with a tee-shirt on him. Then to top everything, he would lay on a pillow. He would kick it around his stall, and then lay down on it. It was so cute.

So, this entry is in memory of Distant Dreamer(Sam), 1983-2000.


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