
I've found out that I'm not the only one that does the glue thing...and no I don't mean sniffing it. :) Merilily assured me that she does it too.

Pischina has told me that I am a good speller. If you actually new me in real life, and some people reading do, then you would know that I do not spell very good. I guess the good spelling fairy watches over me while I type these so I don't look like a complete idiot :)

Today, I went out side and did something I haven't done in years (hey, I said I was reconnecting with my inner child today), I went outside and spun around in circles until I collapsed on the ground from dizziness. It was almost as fun as peeling glue off my hands.

I got my pitas list up...right now it only has three people on it, and I haven't even touched the html..but have no fear, when I have more time I'll doctor it up. I can't let Pischina down by not amazing her with my html skills ;)

I had to work tonigh. Ugh. I do deliveries for a chinese place. If one more person doesn't bother to tip me, I'm spitting in their food. I mean, I get paid above minimum wage, and that's impressive for a sixteen year old, believe me, but that money is taxed and stuff. Plus, I don't get my pay check regularly, so the tips are mainly what I rely on. Anyway, enough rants for tonight, and enjoy the pitas page.


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