
The stars are actually amazing things. When I feel that life is just moving too fast, and I want to hit that little pause button, I'll go out and look at the stars. Sometimes I wonder if they were put there for our veiwing pleasure. You don't have to tell me that they are flaming balls of gas, your looking a girl who is a science wiz :o) There's something about watching them twinkle and change, and know that what I'm seeing is like an old rerun, knowing that it actually happened years ago, and I am seeing it for the first time. That small shining light that I am staring at, could have extinguished years ago, but through my eyes, it lives, still shining brightly.

I don't know, I'm getting all deep again. I can't help it, writing is my passion. I write stories of all kinds, fantasy, romance, what ever. Those character live out things that I only dream about. I guess that's why, when I sit at this keyboard, I feel like I can let everything I feel inside float away on the breeze. I know that most people reading this won't know me, but those who I do know will probably be seeing a whole different side of me. I don't know why, but everything comes out easier to perfect strangers than to those who I hold close to my heart. I'm normally reserved, a lot of the time people have a hard time knowing what I am thinking. I guess I really need to work on that. I know that's why I have my sarcasm, it's my way of protecting myself, keeping my emotions hidden.

I know this entry was a little mixed up, I flew from one thought to the next, but my brain keeps firing off ideas and my fingers struggle to keep up, let alone organize.

"Starlight, starbright,

first star I see tonight,

I wish I may, I wish I might,

have the wish I wish tonight..."


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