
You know, I think you can determine what kind of parent someone will be by the way that they treat their pets. My friend Jake called me today, asking me what I though about letting his new puppy off the leash out side. He's called me a lot for stuff like that. I don't really know how I became a puppy expert in his eyes, I mean sure, I have two puppies right now, but I'm just kind of fumbling along, making up stuff as I go. He keeps telling me that he thinks he's going to mess up his puppy, give him psycological problems or something like that. I think it's so adorabley cute that he is so worried about messing up the dog. I think that fact he's so worried about it will make him an excelent father in the long run. He might be a little over protective, but a good father none-the-less.

Everyone tells me I'll make an excelent mother, when they watch me with my zoo of animals. I don't know if I really want to be a mother though. I'm kind of afraid of that responsibility. My animals are like my kids, but if they turn out bad I can blame it on the breeding..but to have another human life in my hands... Once you have a child, you're devoted to them for the rest of your life. I know I'm only sixteen, and in the long run I will most likely pass on my good ol' genetic material, but now the thought scares me.

Gray keeps telling me to write a poem on here, so I'll do it just for her...

Do you believe in fair tales

pink party dresses, or lemonade sales

Do you believe in love at first sight

when your heart grows wings, and takes flight

Do you believe that there's life on mars

and riding white horses under the stars

Do you believe in heaven up above

or that there is that one true love

Do you believe that I love you

and do you love me too

I belive


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